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Black Bear





black spider

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Q: What are some dark colored animals that begin with the letter B?
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What are some dark colors that begin with the letter A?

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Dark-colored shirts reflect less radiation.

What is dark colored and light colored?

Black is dark coloured and white is light coloured

Why are highlighters pink?

It needs to be a bright color, on the normal dark colored letter. I never seen any dark colored high lighters before. EDIT: Not just pink - but yellow, orange, green and blue too !

What is in dark colored paper?

Dark colored paper is white paper that has been dyed another color. Dark colored paper can come in many different colors.

Which is the best hypothesis for why the white colored moth population decreased?

Answer this question… B.The dark-colored moths were more fit.

What dark words start with the letter s?

Scarecrow, scorpion, snake and stingray are scary things. They begin with the letter S.

Why are some mice light colored and some mice dark. Colored?

It's just how they are. One of their parents could be light or dark or both of them could. If one is light colored and one is dark colored the offspring has a 50/50 chance of being light or dark.

What is a dark colored rock?

Mafic igneous rocks, like basalt, are dark colored and low in silica.