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Answer this question… B.The dark-colored moths were more fit.
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The dark-colored moths were more fit.

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The dark-colored moths were more fit

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Q: Which is the best hypothesis for why the white colored moth population decreased?
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The population of light-colored moths decreased and the population of dark-colored moths increased.

What is a hypothesis for white candles burn at a different rate than colored candles?

Because they are colored and funky stuff

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The hypothesis for this question would be: "There is no significant difference in the burning rate between white candles and colored candles." This implies that both types of candles burn at the same rate.

Science fair projects-do white candles burn faster than colored candles?

White candles usually burn slower than colored candles because white candles are typically made of pure paraffin wax, which has a higher melting point than the wax used in colored candles. Colored candles have additional dyes and chemicals that can affect their burning rate. Conducting an experiment to test this hypothesis would be a fun and educational science fair project!

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What do you do if you reject your hypothesis?

If a hypothesis is rejected because it was disproved, then one can rephrase the hypothesis to exclude the disproven data. For example: Hypothesis: White appears black. Data: When viewed by the naked eye in daylight, white appears differently than black. When viewed by the naked eye in darkness, white appears black. Reword hypothesis: In darkness, white appears black.

What is a good hypothesis for does color affect memory?

A good hypothesis for whether color affects memory could be: "Individuals exposed to information in color will exhibit better memory recall compared to those exposed to the same information in black and white."

Which of the best hypothesis for why the white colored moth population decreased?

natural selection

What happened when the white man saw the black man?

will first if the white man see that the colored is giving him bad looks than the white man would call the cops or he go and hurt the colored because the white had the right to hurt the colored

Is colored light darker than white light?

yes, because white is the lightest color, and colored light will make it darker than white light.

How can you get white laundry white?

if it is a colored cant. but if its white use bleach!

Was earl grayson colored?

He was white.