City Name Population County
Yorba Linda 62,678 Orange
Yountville 4,072 Napa
Yreka 7,292 Siskiyou
Yuba City 48,369 Sutter
Yucaipa 45,412 San Bernardino
Yucca Valley 17,966 San Bernardino
California cities that start with the letter V:Vacaville and Vallejo are cities in Solano CountyVista is a city in San Diego CountyVilla Park is a city in Orange County
Some NJ cities that start with B are:BayoneBloomfieldBridgewaterBerkeleyBergenfieldBernardsBridgeton
Vernon and Victoria are cities in Texas. They begin with the letter v.
Cities in Illinois that start with the letter P:Palos HeightsPalos HillsPanaParisPark CityPark RidgePaxtonPekinPeoriaPeruPetersburgPinckneyvillePittsfieldPlanoPoloPontiacPrincetonProphetstownProspect Heights
Saskatoon is a city in Canada.
California cities that start with the letter V:Vacaville and Vallejo are cities in Solano CountyVista is a city in San Diego CountyVilla Park is a city in Orange County
· Union, Kentucky · Upland, California · Utica, New York · Uvalde, Texas
Some cities that start with the letter X include:Xam Neua in Laos.Xiamen in China.
Huntington Beach is a city in California.
Some cities that start with the letter u are Udall, Uganik, and Ukiah. Other cities that start with the letter U in the United States are Udell, Uhland, and Ulm.
Some NJ cities that start with B are:BayoneBloomfieldBridgewaterBerkeleyBergenfieldBernardsBridgeton
There are no cities in Australia that begin with the letter i, but some towns that begin with i are:InnisfailInghamInjuneInnamincka
Vernon and Victoria are cities in Texas. They begin with the letter v.
Some Mexican cities that start with the letter 'J' are Juárez, Juchitán, and Jiménez.
Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Dublin, Ireland