Some NJ cities that start with B are:BayoneBloomfieldBridgewaterBerkeleyBergenfieldBernardsBridgeton
Vernon and Victoria are cities in Texas. They begin with the letter v.
Some capital cities that begin with E:Edinburgh is the capital city in ScotlandEdmonton is the capital city of the Canadian province of Alberta
Cities in Illinois that start with the letter P:Palos HeightsPalos HillsPanaParisPark CityPark RidgePaxtonPekinPeoriaPeruPetersburgPinckneyvillePittsfieldPlanoPoloPontiacPrincetonProphetstownProspect Heights
Waco and Wichita Falls are cities in Texas. They begin with the letter w.
Some cities that start with the letter X include:Xam Neua in Laos.Xiamen in China.
Some cities that start with the letter u are Udall, Uganik, and Ukiah. Other cities that start with the letter U in the United States are Udell, Uhland, and Ulm.
Some NJ cities that start with B are:BayoneBloomfieldBridgewaterBerkeleyBergenfieldBernardsBridgeton
There are no cities in Australia that begin with the letter i, but some towns that begin with i are:InnisfailInghamInjuneInnamincka
Vernon and Victoria are cities in Texas. They begin with the letter v.
Fredericton is a city in New Brunswick, Canada. It begins with the letter F.
Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Dublin, Ireland
Alice SpringsAdelaideAlbury