if you are growing fruit trees and you don't want them to die, cut down a normal tree with an axe and plant the fruit tree in the normal trees place.
Look on neoseeker, as there are many brilliant cheats there to have a look at. Otherwise here are some:
To Get The Golden Shovel - Put a shovel in the ground and leave it there for a day, the next day you will have a golden shovel.
To Get A Nice Inventory Background - Drag and drop a shirt or a pattern to the lower left hand corner of the inventory, and voila that pattern will be the inventory background. Plus, the first time you do this you receive the big dot shirt.
you can't
you press x and the cheats come up
You can not have a baby on Animal Crossing: Wild World
You cannot be friends with Saharah on Animal Crossing Wild World.
No you cannot work for the Able Sisters on Animal Crossing Wild World.
If you mean Animal Crossings Wild World, then you open your mailbox!
type into google acww cheats and there are loads
after going through alot of lists i can surely say he does not come to animal crossing wild world but i dont know about the other animal crossings...
7:00 every Saturday
One for DS : Animal Crossing Wild World One for Wii : Animal Crossing Lets Go To The City One for Gamecube : Animal Crossing Wild World (Same title as Ds) :)
Basically all it is for ME is a website to find game cheats. I use it to find cheats for Animal Crossing Wild World.
190 cheats on this page http://www.neoseeker.com/Games/cheats/DS/animal_crossing_ds.html#cheat
To enter your cheats you must have an Action Replay. You put the codes in that and they are in your animal crossing game.
If you dont have a friend then your a loser because you have to have a friend on there. You cant not have a friend.
Use an action replay
just type into google acww cheats ds and there should be loads
Nintendo is evil, PC is where it's at, the best one is 2408a1