There are at least 14,740 English words that contain a V.
7-letter words
absolve, abusive, abvolts, achieve, actives, advance, advects, advents, adverbs, adverse, adverts, advices, advised, advisee, adviser, advises, advisor, agravic, airwave, akvavit, alcoved, alcoves, alevins, allover, alluvia, alveoli, amative, amusive, anchovy, anviled, approve, aquavit, aquiver, archive, arrival, arrived, arriver, arrives, atavism, atavist, availed, avarice, avatars, avellan, avenged, avenger, avenges, avenses, avenues, average, averred, averted, avgases, aviated, aviates, aviator, avidins, avidity, avionic, avocado, avocets, avodire, avoided, avoider, avosets, avowals, avowers, avowing, avulsed, avulses, baklava, beavers, bedevil, beehive, behaved, behaver, behaves, behoove, behoved, behoves, believe, beloved, bereave, beveled, beveler, bevomit, bivalve, bivinyl, bivouac, bolivar, Bolivia, bouvier, bovines, bravado, bravely, bravers, bravery, bravest, braving, bravoed, bravoes, bravura, bravure, brevets, brevier, brevity, cadaver, calvary, calving, canvass, captive, caravan, caravel, carvels, carvers, carving, casavas, cassava, cavalla, cavally, cavalry, caveats, caveman, cavemen, caverns, cavetti, cavetto, caviare, caviars, caviled, caviler, cavings, cavorts, centavo, cervine, ceviche, chervil, chevied, chevies, cheviot, chevres, chevron, chivari, chivied, chivies, civilly, civisms, civvies, clavate, clavers, clavier, cleaved, cleaver, cleaves, clivers, clivias, clovers, coaeval, codrive, codrove, coevals, commove, concave, connive, convect, convene, convent, convert, conveys, convict, convoke, convoys, corvees, corvets, corvina, corvine, costive, couvade, covered, coverer, coverts, coverup, coveted, coveter, covings, cravats, cravens, cravers, craving, crevice, culvers, culvert, cursive, curvets, curvier, curving, cutover, cuvette, datival, datives, davened, deaving, deceive, decurve, deleave, deliver, delvers, delving, deprave, deprive, derived, deriver, derives, dervish, deserve, devalue, deveins, develed, develop, devests, deviant, deviate, devices, deviled, devilry, devious, devisal, devised, devisee, deviser, devises, devisor, devoice, devoirs, devolve, devoted, devotee, devotes, devours, diluvia, disavow, dissave, diverge, diverse, diverts, divests, divided, divider, divides, divined, diviner, divines, divisor, divorce, divulge, divvied, divvies, dogvane, dovecot, dovekey, dovekie, dovened, drivels, drivers, driving, drovers, droving, duumvir, duvetyn, dwarves, dyvours, eightvo, elative, elevate, elevens, elevons, elusive, eluvial, eluvium, emotive, enclave, endives, enfever, engrave, enliven, enslave, envelop, envenom, enviers, envious, environ, envying, erosive, estival, evacuee, evaders, evading, evangel, evanish, evasion, evasive, eveners, evenest, evening, everted, evertor, evicted, evictee, evictor, evident, evilest, eviller, evinced, evinces, eviting, evokers, evoking, evolute, evolved, evolver, evolves, evzones, exclave, exuviae, exuvial, exuvium, fauvism, fauvist, favelas, favisms, favored, favorer, favours, favuses, fervent, fervors, fervour, festive, fevered, fictive, flavine, flavins, flavone, flavors, flavory, flavour, flivver, fluvial, flyover, forever, forgave, forgive, foveate, foveola, foveole, frivols, fulvous, furtive, garveys, gavages, gaveled, gavials, gavotte, genevas, gingiva, glaived, glaives, glovers, gloving, governs, gravels, gravely, gravers, gravest, gravida, gravies, graving, gravity, gravure, greaved, greaves, grieved, griever, grieves, grivets, grooved, groover, grooves, grovels, halavah, halvahs, halvers, halving, harvest, havarti, havened, havered, haverel, haviors, haviour, heavens, heavers, heavier, heavies, heavily, heaving, helluva, helving, hoveled, hovered, hoverer, however, illuvia, impavid, improve, improvs, incivil, incurve, innerve, invaded, invader, invades, invalid, inveigh, invents, inverse, inverts, invests, invital, invited, invitee, inviter, invites, invoice, invoked, invoker, invokes, involve, inweave, inwoven, isogriv, ivories, ivylike, jarveys, javelin, jayvees, jiveass, jussive, juvenal, kelvins, khedive, kidvids, klavern, knavery, knavish, kvasses, lavabos, lavages, laveers, lavrock, layover, leavens, leavers, leavier, leaving, lekvars, levants, levator, leveled, leveler, levelly, levered, leveret, leviers, levulin, levying, lievest, livable, livened, livener, lividly, liviers, livings, livyers, lixivia, louvers, louvres, lovable, lovably, lovages, lovebug, loverly, marvels, massive, mavises, mayvins, medevac, mikvahs, mikvehs, mikvoth, minivan, miniver, misaver, misgave, misgive, mislive, mismove, missive, mitsvah, mitzvah, motived, motives, motivic, movable, movably, moviola, naevoid, naively, naivest, naivete, naivety, natives, navaids, navally, navette, navvies, nervate, nervier, nervily, nervine, nerving, nervous, nervule, nervure, nirvana, niveous, nouveau, novella, novelle, novelly, novelty, novenae, novenas, novices, obovate, obovoid, observe, obverse, obverts, obviate, obvious, octaval, octaves, octavos, oeuvres, olivary, olivine, ottavas, outgave, outgive, outlive, outlove, outmove, outrave, outvied, outvies, outvote, ovality, ovarial, ovarian, ovaries, ovately, ovation, overact, overage, overall, overapt, overarm, overate, overawe, overbed, overbet, overbid, overbig, overbuy, overcoy, overdid, overdry, overdub, overdue, overdye, overeat, overfar, overfat, overfed, overfly, overhot, overing, overjoy, overlap, overlax, overlay, overlet, overlie, overlit, overman, overmen, overmix, overnew, overpay, overply, overran, overrun, oversad, oversaw, oversea, oversee, overset, oversew, oversup, overtax, overtip, overtly, overtop, overuse, overwet, ovicide, oviduct, oviform, ovipara, ovisacs, ovoidal, ovonics, ovulary, ovulate, pahlavi, palaver, parvenu, parvise, passive, pavanes, pavings, paviors, paviour, paviser, pavises, peaveys, peavies, peccavi, peeving, peevish, pelvics, pensive, pervade, pervert, piasava, pivotal, pivoted, plosive, plovers, pluvial, pluvian, popover, poverty, preaver, precava, predive, prevail, prevent, preview, previse, prevued, prevues, privacy, private, privets, privier, privies, privily, privity, proverb, provers, provide, proving, proviso, provoke, provost, pulvini, purveys, purview, qiviuts, quavers, quavery, quivers, quivery, ravaged, ravager, ravages, raveled, raveler, ravelin, ravelly, ravened, ravener, ravined, ravines, ravings, ravioli, reavail, reavers, reaving, reavows, receive, recover, recurve, redrive, redrove, reeving, reevoke, regiven, regives, reivers, reiving, releves, relieve, relievo, relived, relives, removal, removed, remover, removes, renvois, repaved, repaves, replevy, reprove, reserve, reshave, resolve, restive, revalue, revamps, reveals, reveled, reveler, revelry, revenge, revenue, reverbs, revered, reverer, reveres, reverie, reverse, reverso, reverts, revests, reviews, reviled, reviler, reviles, revisal, revised, reviser, revises, revisit, revisor, revival, revived, reviver, revives, revoice, revoked, revoker, revokes, revolts, revolve, revoted, revotes, revuist, revving, reweave, rewoven, rievers, rilievi, rilievo, rivages, rivaled, rivalry, riveted, riveter, riviera, riviere, rivulet, rovings, runover, salivas, salvage, salvers, salvias, salving, salvoed, salvoes, salvors, samovar, savable, savaged, savager, savages, savanna, savants, savarin, savates, saveloy, savines, savings, saviors, saviour, savored, savorer, savours, savoury, savvied, savvier, savvies, scarves, scrieve, scrived, scrives, selvage, servals, servant, servers, service, servile, serving, seventh, seventy, several, severed, severer, seviche, shavers, shavies, shaving, sheaved, sheaves, sheeves, shelved, shelver, shelves, shivahs, shivers, shivery, shovels, shovers, shoving, shrieve, shrived, shrivel, shriven, shriver, shrives, sieving, silvans, silvern, silvers, silvery, silvics, skivers, skiving, skydive, skydove, slavers, slavery, slaveys, slaving, slavish, sleaved, sleaves, sleeved, sleeves, slivers, slovens, snivels, solvate, solvent, solvers, solving, sonovox, soviets, sovkhoz, sovrans, spavies, spaviet, spavins, starved, starver, starves, stative, staving, steeved, steeves, stivers, stovers, strived, striven, striver, strives, stuiver, suasive, suavely, suavest, suavity, suboval, subvene, subvert, surveil, surveys, survive, svelter, swerved, swerver, swerves, swevens, swivels, swivets, swiving, sylvans, sylvine, sylvins, sylvite, synovia, tantivy, taverna, taverns, tensive, thieved, thieves, thraves, thrived, thriven, thriver, thrives, travail, travels, travois, trevets, trivets, trivial, trivium, trovers, tussive, twelves, uncivil, uncover, unglove, unitive, unlevel, unlived, unlives, unloved, unmoved, unnerve, unpaved, unravel, unreeve, unroven, unsaved, unveils, unvexed, unvocal, unvoice, unweave, unwoven, upcurve, updived, updives, upheave, upriver, uveitic, uveitis, uvulars, vacancy, vacated, vacates, vaccina, vaccine, vacuity, vacuole, vacuous, vacuums, vagally, vaginae, vaginal, vaginas, vagrant, vaguely, vaguest, vahines, vailing, vainest, vakeels, valance, valence, valency, valeric, valeted, valgoid, valiant, validly, valines, valises, valkyrs, vallate, valleys, valonia, valours, valuate, valuers, valuing, valutas, valvate, valving, valvula, valvule, vamoose, vamosed, vamoses, vampers, vamping, vampire, vampish, vanadic, vandals, vandyke, vanilla, vanners, vanning, vanpool, vantage, vanward, vapidly, vapored, vaporer, vapours, vapoury, vaquero, variant, variate, varices, variers, variety, variola, variole, various, varlets, varment, varmint, varnish, varooms, varsity, varuses, varying, vascula, vassals, vastest, vastier, vastity, vatfuls, vatical, vatting, vaulted, vaulter, vaunted, vaunter, vauntie, vavasor, vawards, vawntie, vealers, vealier, vealing, vectors, vedalia, vedette, veejays, veepees, veeries, veering, vegetal, veggies, vehicle, veilers, veiling, veiners, veinier, veining, veinlet, veinule, velamen, velaria, veliger, velites, vellums, velours, veloute, velured, velures, velvets, velvety, venally, venatic, vendace, vendees, venders, vending, vendors, vendues, veneers, venging, venines, venires, venison, venomed, venomer, ventage, ventail, venters, venting, ventral, venture, venturi, venular, venules, veranda, verbals, verbena, verbids, verbify, verbile, verbose, verdant, verdict, verdins, verdure, vergers, verging, verglas, veridic, veriest, verismo, verisms, verists, veritas, verites, vermeil, vermian, vermuth, vernier, verruca, versant, versers, versets, versify, versine, versing, version, verstes, vertigo, vervain, vervets, vesicae, vesical, vesicle, vespers, vespids, vespine, vessels, vestals, vestees, vestige, vesting, vestral, vesture, vetches, veteran, vetiver, vetoers, vetoing, vetting, vexedly, vexilla, viaduct, vialing, vialled, viatica, viators, vibists, vibrant, vibrate, vibrato, vibrion, vibrios, vicarly, viceroy, vichies, vicinal, vicious, vicomte, victims, victors, victory, victual, vicugna, vicunas, vidette, vidicon, viduity, viewers, viewier, viewing, vigours, vikings, vilayet, village, villain, villein, villose, villous, viminal, vinasse, vincula, vinegar, viniest, vintage, vintner, vinylic, violate, violent, violets, violins, violist, violone, viragos, virally, virelai, virelay, viremia, viremic, virgate, virgins, virgule, virions, viroids, viroses, virosis, virtual, virtues, viruses, visaged, visages, visaing, visards, viscera, viscoid, viscose, viscous, viseing, visible, visibly, visions, visited, visiter, visitor, visored, vistaed, visuals, vitally, vitamer, vitamin, vitesse, vitiate, vitrain, vitrics, vitrify, vitrine, vitriol, vittate, vittled, vittles, vivaces, vivaria, vivider, vividly, vivific, vixenly, vizards, viziers, vizored, vizslas, vocable, vocably, vocalic, vocally, vocoder, vodouns, voguish, voicers, voicing, voiders, voiding, volante, volcano, volleys, volosts, voltage, voltaic, voluble, volubly, volumed, volumes, voluted, volutes, volutin, volvate, volvuli, vomicae, vomited, vomiter, vomitos, vomitus, voodoos, vorlage, votable, votress, vouched, vouchee, voucher, vouches, vouvray, vowless, voyaged, voyager, voyages, voyeurs, vroomed, vuggier, vulgars, vulgate, vulpine, vulture, vulvate, vyingly, waivers, waiving, wavelet, waveoff, wavered, waverer, waviest, weavers, weaving, weevers, weevils, weevily, wharves, wherves, whoever, wiverns, wolvers, wyverns, yeshiva, zelkova, zemstva, zemstvo, zouaves, zyzzyva
There are no two-letter words beginning with V. Sorry!
There are no recorded two (2) letter scrabble word that ends with V.
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern S--V-V-. That is, seven letter words with 1st letter S and 4th letter V and 6th letter V. In alphabetical order, they are: survive
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern V-VAS. That is, five letter words with 1st letter V and 3rd letter V and 4th letter A and 5th letter S. In alphabetical order, they are: vivas
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern Q-V---. That is, six letter words with 1st letter Q and 3rd letter V. In alphabetical order, they are: qiviut
There are no two-letter words beginning with V. Sorry!
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 2 words with the pattern -V---V--. That is, eight letter words with 2nd letter V and 6th letter V. In alphabetical order, they are: avadavat dvandvas
There are no recorded two (2) letter scrabble word that ends with V.
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern V--I---V-. That is, nine letter words with 1st letter V and 4th letter I and 8th letter V. In alphabetical order, they are: variative
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern V---VA---. That is, nine letter words with 1st letter V and 5th letter V and 6th letter A. In alphabetical order, they are: vasovagal
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern ---V-VA-. That is, eight letter words with 4th letter V and 6th letter V and 7th letter A. In alphabetical order, they are: survival
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 2 words with the pattern --V-V-B--. That is, nine letter words with 3rd letter V and 5th letter V and 7th letter B. In alphabetical order, they are: revivable revivably
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern S--V-V-. That is, seven letter words with 1st letter S and 4th letter V and 6th letter V. In alphabetical order, they are: survive
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern V-V-----G. That is, nine letter words with 1st letter V and 3rd letter V and 9th letter G. In alphabetical order, they are: vivifying
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 2 words with the pattern -V---V--E. That is, nine letter words with 2nd letter V and 6th letter V and 9th letter E. In alphabetical order, they are: ovibovine uvarovite
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern V-V----M-. That is, nine letter words with 1st letter V and 3rd letter V and 8th letter M. In alphabetical order, they are: vivariums
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 2 words with the pattern -L-V-V---. That is, nine letter words with 2nd letter L and 4th letter V and 6th letter V. In alphabetical order, they are: slivovica slivovitz