go to arcadeprehacks.com
not yet
To unlock the Last story on Sonic Heroes, you have to play all other stories:team sonic, dark, rose and chaotix all the way through (100%)
There are no evony cheats. There might be some on youtube, but they do not work
Cheats? There is absolutly no Cheats! But there are glitches, infact a lot of glitches
Bionicle Heroes happened in 2006.
Bionicle Heroes was created on 2006-11-14.
no bionicle is ending its sad i know
Bionicle Heroes - 2006 VG is rated/received certificates of: USA:E
Bionicle Heroes - 2006 VG was released on: USA: November 2006 (Playstation 2 version)
I hated the first one, but Bionicle Heroes was pretty fun/funny
There's only been two Bionicle games on consoles, Bionicle: The video game, and Bionicle Heroes, they did make a game for the Game Boy Advance though
go to arcadeprehacks.com
"http://www.bionicleheroes.com/" You'll have to pick your country, though. ;)