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You can't use a code once its been activated. So, buy one at Target or Wal-mart. Usually, people sell them on E-Bay
Look online. Here are some codes that are on websites. These codes are free and they are reusable so they STILL work. dvd#saraemma bsa#snowfort bsa#play2day bsa#snowtree bsa#iglooooo
The code is different for every card so after some one has already entered that code it is then useless to someone else.
First you go to Bagatella Row. Then, you go to Mister Bartholomew's store and get the garlic seeds and plant them in some dirt. You water them and then you wait till you can collect them. When they look ready to pick them up you click on them and click the basket icon and then you have garlic.
There is almost no way to get all Bella Sara Codes. But here are some that are working.Amor: TCMCLNJ9K3AURORA: ZR9TLNSRKPDIANA: ZPD2TCHHM9FLORA: TL6ZNNXCWJAPOLLO: NHPJRJXH9DJANUS: 9GK77LRMMXEIRENE: NSHHFW9GD2ATHENA: SC4Q45PNXQNIKE: J6326MDM36URANUS: D3X7R254TFEURYNOME: M4CJL6HPZ7Bella Sara codes can only be used once so people are unable to give them to you.tpn4r93m59hcp#-9n5q-g7aphcp#-emy2-6j6thcp#-ek6k-bqedhcp#-rbe7-6kmthcp#-ryeq-9mp4hcp#-zjn3-5qasghbj86hkjihjfaajhqqgfeinuit:9ckdcqh7799dwdnfsjd7q4tp9hz94p2mhw6kg799cz2zm2xfdwqc2zzcw BF1#JOYBELLABF1#COMPUTERBF1#BLUECATSBF1#PLAYCARDBF1#NIGHTKITBF1#SHOEBABYBF1#SKIPLOGSBF1#EXPLORERBF1#HORSEFUNBF1#JUMPTINYzlr7fqnqqghcp#ek6kbqed9qrp62pmgdzdwwpftckj4jzmkdxfkzbab#bab340albab#adv223459r4fdcr3kjfdh5ntzd4r799f6gknmg6f4s9zjrphc6wqpw9qrnGPXDWWHK5Skrxjmz5drl r5qr9szrpd9R4FDCR3KJ6f3llphtnqfdwqc2zzcwj2lh46j95x72h6d63fml7pp3dc4jx7xsgnfzp36pBukefalos: ZDWWPFTCKJGraia: 4JZMKDXFKZBellissa: BAB#BAB34OALBellisimo: BAB#ADV22345Moonlight: 9R4FDCR3KJAurora: NMCKQSTKG5Demeter: WHFGT6ZLHPFlora:ZLR7FQNQQGChung: 799DSJDSX4Halloween: 799DW2WQ24Hercules: 799D2X9Q7LNanna: FDZN2X9ZNPWalter: 5X5724MSCZFriends: D7Q5Z9RL3JMandalay: D7Q5K7KCLTPink Lady: D7Q4TP9HZRVesta: 7PWNLTPGPMBellissmo: BAB#NU2HORSEAphrodite:72H6D63FMLDiana: 7PP3DC4JX7Honey: fdzn2x9znpOther codes:BAB#SNUGGLEYBAB#LADYSLPRMAF#GETFLICKBEL#-GLOW-EYESBAB#COOLBNCEBAB#FUN4FLWR BAB#U2CNDNCEBAB#LIFTALNGBAB#GOOD2EATBAB#YUMMYTRTBAB#STIRRUPSHCP#-EK6K-BQEDHCP#-RBE7-6KMTHCP#-RYEQ-9MP4HCP#-ZJN3-5QASBAB#POSTER01roy#-wall-plntroy#-frog-foldroy#-pnda-foldroy#-rose-litebab#liftalngbab#good2eatbab#yummytrtbab#stirrupsbab#snuggleyBAB#NU2HORSEBAB#POSTER02BAB#POSTER01BAB#NU2HORSEBAB#POSTER03BAB#POSTER04FDS47CXLF66F3LLPHTNQfdzmx9xj5sbel#-glow-eyestre#bagpipestre#purpdolltre#cookclokmaf#getflicktre#gemdpuppFDH5R59C5zFDH5NTZD4RDNS49QP3CR9QRP62PMGDZDWWPFTCKJ6F4S9ZJRPHZCC9M5XDMQ6HNZW3X4Q9BAB#-ADV2-2345Fdwqc2zzcwFDS47CXLF66F3LLPHTNQfdzn2x9znpbab#liftalngHere is the code for Fiona:TR7PG76R5F
I can't give you any cause I don't have any but if you go on Bella Sara codes some of the websites will have codes.
no an I need some.
You can't use a code once its been activated. So, buy one at Target or Wal-mart. Usually, people sell them on E-Bay
I am afraid that if any answers are listed, the codes will have been used. Sorry!
There is a cheat code for Bella the horseCHEAT CODEHCP#-ZJN3-5QAS
Here is Nike, Bella, Jewl, and Fiona's code : BSC#CLASSICS.
Yes I have Bella's Ball has no codes on and some Moonfaries horses don't have any codes on and it's say's who is in love with or if it's a BABY then it's say's who are the parents of the foal.
I have got over 200 codes so here they are! Bella:L37Q-L4NT-B6J4.that's is not used. Jupiter:fdzn2x9znp.unused I apolidise if they don't work. ITEMS BAB#SNUGGLEY BAB#BAB340AL OR 1. So there you go guys for Bella sara cards from skat8r THANKS FOR WATCHING!
Look online. Here are some codes that are on websites. These codes are free and they are reusable so they STILL work. dvd#saraemma bsa#snowfort bsa#play2day bsa#snowtree bsa#iglooooo
for your information, "cheets" is spelled with an a. and no, sorry i don't know of any. but you can buy them yourself at justice, toys r us, or some other toy store.
Hi! I have some Bella sara codes! But they are just fore things and two horses. Things roy#-pnda-fold roy#-wall-plnt roy#-rose-lite tre#purpdoll tre#gemdpupp tre#cookclok tre#bagpipes bsa#-snow-fort krxjmz5drl Horses FDH5NTZD4R 72h6d63fml