First you go to Bagatella Row. Then, you go to Mister Bartholomew's store and get the garlic seeds and plant them in some dirt. You water them and then you wait till you can collect them. When they look ready to pick them up you click on them and click the basket icon and then you have garlic.
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your Bella sara horse does not grow up, get sick, die, expire, or do anything else like that on the website. however, i think it's different on the Bella sara DS. that does make me sad
what is Bella sara why are you people obsessed with ive gotten 15 questions about it and i have no idea what it is!
No, so far there have been no reports of foals growing up but I am pretty sure that they remain foals. If you would like a horse, buy the Bella Sara trading cards. they have codes for special horses sike they do actually grow up in maybe a month or three weeks if you go on every day
There are virtually no places you can get Bella Sara cards for free, but Young Rider Magazine should have them, and is recommended.
how to grow a beanstalk on bellasara
yes they do my Bella sara horse grew up now it is not a foal it is a horse
One Bella sara day. (one sara Bella day is like only 5 minutes of earth day!)
your Bella sara horse does not grow up, get sick, die, expire, or do anything else like that on the website. however, i think it's different on the Bella sara DS. that does make me sad
no, not that I'm aware of
it can be planted in the overgaard skylands.
yes Bella sara is real
The website for Bella Sara is
Bella sara is where you take care virtual horses.....
its BELLA-SARA-1890 but not in capitals
AmorVenusAegisAlexanderApolloAthenaArimAsteriaBarleycornBellerophonBriarBrineCerannaCharlemagneCharlieMandalayDartDelightEbenosEmbericFarfallaHarmonyHeliaHerculesHecateIcekingNyxIceprinceKhrysorKomenosLarenaLeonardoSarahMariannisMiraMjolnirIduanaMoonbeamMoonphantomMoonspritePirouttePrismaPythiaReifRoycePink LadySnowflakeSunbeamTumbleweedUranusAnemoneWhimsyAddisBaltoJunoBellaBelloBellisimoBereanRosebriarBifrostColourBluebellBukefalosMireldisCalyxCelestaCeratosNannaCherubChromasiaChrysoSashaCirraEmbarrFrejaFionaFlameNikeFlipperOndineJanieJewelKoraMistralMurttiePavonnePegasusRoxyPetalPrimroseRuskinSkipperFloraStarfrostSummitThunderTobogganTreasureEdanaWodanSkygliderCrystalPandaAddisThese are just a few of the Bella Sara horses you can find on the Bella Sara cards! :)