what is Bella sara why are you people obsessed with ive gotten 15 questions about it and i have no idea what it is!
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There are virtually no places you can get Bella Sara cards for free, but Young Rider Magazine should have them, and is recommended.
your Bella sara horse does not grow up, get sick, die, expire, or do anything else like that on the website. however, i think it's different on the Bella sara DS. that does make me sad
yes there is.
When the Bella Sara home page opens, there should be an advertisement for Ronnie. Click on it, and he will appear in Canter Farms- he gives you like 6 free adventures!
yes Bella sara is real
The website for Bella Sara is bellasara.com
Bella sara is where you take care virtual horses.....
its BELLA-SARA-1890 but not in capitals
AmorVenusAegisAlexanderApolloAthenaArimAsteriaBarleycornBellerophonBriarBrineCerannaCharlemagneCharlieMandalayDartDelightEbenosEmbericFarfallaHarmonyHeliaHerculesHecateIcekingNyxIceprinceKhrysorKomenosLarenaLeonardoSarahMariannisMiraMjolnirIduanaMoonbeamMoonphantomMoonspritePirouttePrismaPythiaReifRoycePink LadySnowflakeSunbeamTumbleweedUranusAnemoneWhimsyAddisBaltoJunoBellaBelloBellisimoBereanRosebriarBifrostColourBluebellBukefalosMireldisCalyxCelestaCeratosNannaCherubChromasiaChrysoSashaCirraEmbarrFrejaFionaFlameNikeFlipperOndineJanieJewelKoraMistralMurttiePavonnePegasusRoxyPetalPrimroseRuskinSkipperFloraStarfrostSummitThunderTobogganTreasureEdanaWodanSkygliderCrystalPandaAddisThese are just a few of the Bella Sara horses you can find on the Bella Sara cards! :)
I think all of the Bella Sara TM products have them.
One Bella sara day. (one sara Bella day is like only 5 minutes of earth day!)
No you cannot. Bella Sara horses cannot be sold, die, or be stolen.
I don't believe Bella Sara has a book. If there is one, Bella Sara's web site should list places to purchase it. Follow the link in the related links section below.
You get them off of Bella Sara cards that you have to purchase from Target, Wal*Mart, hoppy stores, etc.
the only Bella sara quiz that i know of is a royalty one: http://www.bellasara.com/activities/Royalty_MagicalRealm.pdf