Some three letter words with a vowel in the middle are:airbowcatdogeatforguthitionjamkitlapmannotourpunquaratsiptapvatwinyewzoo
According to the Official Scrabble Players Dictionary, 4th Edition, there are seven words that end with the letter 'j', and the only vowel found in each of them is the letter 'a'.
Some words ending in the vowel O are:bongobravohalohelloherojellopianopolopotatoshampoosilosolotattootomatoweirdozero
Some words that start with a vowel and end in a Y are:animosityanyelectrifyenemyeveryexactlyonlyorneryuglyusury
Some words you can make with Mississippi are:ImissispipippisssipsisThis one is limited by using only one vowel.
Some five letter words with only one vowel are:berthbirchbirthblendblindblondblownbrownchampchickchirpchurnclampclerkclickclockclothclumpcrownditchdrilldrinkdrolldrownfifthflirtfrontgirthglassglintgrassgrindhatchhitchknackknockknownshirtshortslackslantslickslothslumpspellspillsportspurnstampstandstartstringthingthirsttrust
Some three letter words with a vowel in the middle are:airbowcatdogeatforguthitionjamkitlapmannotourpunquaratsiptapvatwinyewzoo
Some words that start with the short vowel sound of the letter "i" are: igloo, itch, ink, and inch.
If we consider AY and OY as vowel pairs, many words have Y as a vowel. Unless it is making a consonant Y sound as in yet or yellow, it is a vowel. It can have a long I, short I, or long E sound.Words where Y is the only vowel include by, try, why, myth, hymn, and rhythm.
Some words with only one vowel are:aanantasaskaspatbadbangbathbedbestbetberthbirchbirthblendblindblondblotblotchblownbringbrownchampchickchirpchurnclampclerkclickclockclothclumpcrownditchdrilldrinkdrolldrownerrfifthflirtfrontgirthglassglintgrassgrindhatchhitchhunchhutchIininchinkinnisititchkingkitknackknightknockknownlamblampletlightlimplisplitlynchmompinkpopshirtshortslackslantslickslothslumpspankspellspillsportspurnstampstandstartstringthingthirstthriftthornthrusttrustwantwellwillwiltwishwarnworkwornyakyamzinc
Some words that start with the short vowel sound of the letter U are: umbrella, under, urgent, umpire.
According to the Official Scrabble Players Dictionary, 4th Edition, there are seven words that end with the letter 'j', and the only vowel found in each of them is the letter 'a'.
Some examples of five-letter words with a long U vowel sound are flute, fumes, music, tutor, and tulip.
I had to spend some time researching this question, so you owe me one! Here are three 13 letter words that do not have the 'a' vowel in them: disinhibiting, degenerescent, and efferescence.
Some examples of seven-letter words without vowels are rhythms, lynx, flyby, nymphs, and gypsy.
Some words ending in the vowel O are:bongobravohalohelloherojellopianopolopotatoshampoosilosolotattootomatoweirdozero
utter, unreliable, untidy, udder