There are no true cheat codes for FreePlay Sims on the Kindle Fire. A person may earn extra Simoleans by setting the date and time back on their device.
There is a app on the iPad called Sims Freeplay. It is free with in-app purchases but you can't get the sims 3 on the iPad.
There are no My Sims Kingdom cheats. But there are some for clothes. But not for gameplay.
No just google sims 2 cheats
The cheats are the same as The Sims 3, the base game. There are no new cheats when this game came out.
I am sorry to say, but there is NO Sims FreePlay Cheat, YET. Whenever you search it on the Internet, do you find a cheat, no you don't, so for now just be patient and maybe a cheat WILL be made. If a cheat is made I will let you know as quick as I can. My friends and I will keep searching and maybe we may find one. So all I can say now is, sorry no, if you are patient enough maybe a cheat will be made. It is the company's decision if they want to make some cheat to make the game easier, if they do not EVER make a cheat, it was their decision, so don't get mad at ME, please. Hopefully a cheat will be made, The Sims 2 cheats were discovered a few months after they had made it and MAYBE The Sims FreePlay cheats will also be discovered a few months after. I hope I helped!
no and yes
There are no true cheat codes for FreePlay Sims on the Kindle Fire. A person may earn extra Simoleans by setting the date and time back on their device.
YES! There are several Sims apps for the iPhone including...The Sims 3The Sims 3 World AdventuresThe Sims 3 AmbitionsThe Sims™ MedievalThe Sims™ Freeplay
a free version of sims
Yes you can the sims freeplay on the surface rt and all windows 8 accessories.
Actually, Sims cant catch on fire. Believe me. I've tried it. it doesn't work. Right now i am starving my Sim.
about 699 babiesonly 699699
== == yes
Yes, it comes with At&t sim card.
What is a bedtale on sims free play