sweetness | skips to freestyle mode
woohoo | everything wears hats
slowtime | enemies slow down
supercharge | enemies speed up
richify | gives you $1,000,000
sticky | only stick figures appear
desticky | deactivates the previous code
freefall | sends you a secret message
crazymonkey | unlocks everything
only when a dragon card is active on the playing field.
how do you beat 5 secrets of the moutian??????
You get 90 cards, a playing field, 1 rare card and a starter hand book.
Yes, there can only be one active at any one time. If you already have a Field Spell active, you can replace it with another, the first is destroyed when you activate the second. If the opponent has one, then it is destroyed when you Field Spell card resolves. Field Spell cards can be set while another is active. Since the rule only affects active Field Spells, set cards are not destroyed by your opponent setting or activating a Field Spell card.
The best way to get into the secret rooms in the Pokemon mansion is to find a cheat code for the Pokemon game and install it before playing. You should then be able to easily get into the secrets rooms on floors 2 and 3.
god of playing field 2 and 3
Gods playing field woohoo sweetness super charge richify desticky crazy monkey freefall slowtime -------- playing field 2 simple rumble quicksand speedo normalfy moogle glitch smiley
sont play that game that is boring
The son of Zeus who revealed the secrets of the gods was Prometheus. He stole fire from the gods and gave it to humans, leading to his punishment by Zeus.
He received power directly from the gods He possessed the secrets of the gods
Playing Gods was created in 2008.
sweetness | skips to freestyle mode woohoo | everything wears hats slowtime | enemies slow down supercharge | enemies speed up richify | gives you $1,000,000 sticky | only stick figures appear desticky | deactivates the previous code freefall | sends you a secret message crazymonkey | unlocks everything
If I told you, they wouldn't be secret.
The playing field is a patch of beach!
Playing Qudditch. Most of his time was consumed by discovering what the Chamber of Secrets was.