the moves that i think that are good for it is fly, dark pulse, protect and sky attack. You are reading a Pokemon master.
I think so. I have 4 of those on my team :)
Water type moves and Grass type moves. Electric moves will have no effect. Flying types and Pokemon with levitate ability are good as ground-type moves have no effect against them.
Ice type pokemon.
When he/she has good moves. Then evole into vortex
yes good job buddy
I think so. I have 4 of those on my team :)
It all depends on what moves they know, as a general warning remember that Roserade has a great Special Attack stat, so use only special moves like Sludge Bomb and Leaf Storm and teach Luxray Ice Fang to have a way to counter Ground types.
strong pokemon/ good moves?? i used an action replay and made all mine lvl 70
yes its a really good team by the time you get to the Pokemon league your Pokemon will be really strong and youll pass it with ease but stock up on heapes of hyper potions and revies.
Fighting and Ground type moves are most effective against dialga, since it is a dragon+steel type pokemon.
you can look on this Pokemon site: scroll down, and you see: there are dialga's moves. good luck
Well, there isn't really any ''good'' water Pokemon. Legendaries are always strong, and a great one is kyrogue, which you can get in Pokemon emerald. It really all depends on which moves the Pokemon knows
Breloom is a good Pokemon because it has high hp and it can learn good moves
Water type moves and Grass type moves. Electric moves will have no effect. Flying types and Pokemon with levitate ability are good as ground-type moves have no effect against them.