Fighting and Ground type moves are most effective against dialga, since it is a dragon+steel type pokemon.
you can look on this Pokemon site: scroll down, and you see: there are dialga's moves. good luck
doesn't matter, the only difference is the rare Pokemon (palkia for pearl and dialga for diamond) and you can only get stunky on diamond not pearl and you can only get Scorpio on pearl not diamond. Other than that they are both the same and both as good. hope i helped!
Well, in Diamond and Pearl you get the same Pokemon, (besides Dialga and Palkia) but in Platinum, It's a whole new world!!!!You can get Electabuzz in Sunnyshore! Without the National Dex!And It's not RARE!!!!!!! Go out and find all sorts of Pokemon in Platinum!!!!GOOD LUCK DUDE, AND OF COURSE PKMN FANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They are both good but.... i have Pearl and my friend has Diamond. He says Diamond is better becuase, Dialga is Steel and Dragon which is stronger than Water and Dragon for Palkia. so i guess Diamond is a little better than Pearl. But pearl is good too :]]Actually i did some research and Water is better then steel because Steel can mold from water. that makes Palkia better then Diagla. But Diagla is more powerful. i have Diamond and Pearl and i beat Pearl all ready im working on Diamond.
Arceous is the best Pokemon! You will find him in Lv.80 on some place were you find Dialga and Palkia but this time you climb stairs and you fine Arceous... well that's my best hope it help
Pokemon diamond and pearl dialga/palkia battle music
You have to go through mt. coronet, battling lots of galactic grunts (annoying). After you make it to the spear pillar, battled against mars, Jupiter and Cyrus, at last you can battle dialga. Good Luck!
It is good against Fire, Ground, and Rock.
The only way to get palkia in Pokemon Diamond is by action replay and if your also wondering how to get dialga in Pokemon Pearl the same wasy use action replay in Pokemon Platinum you can catch dialga and palkia and they are at an astounding level 70 so good luck hope this helped
A good team combo would be: torterra, infernape, empoleon, dialga, drapion, and staraptor. If you cant do that then do: Golduck, Infernape, Cacturne, Dialga, Vespiquen, and Staraptor. HOPE THIS HELPS! :D
you can look on this Pokemon site: scroll down, and you see: there are dialga's moves. good luck
You have to buy a Pokemon diamond game boy game in Paris then on the ds make sure it has a Dialga in the game then put it on the wii and when it says Translate then you click the ds you have then the Pokemon game you have then your ds charger should be connected in the back of the wii then it will show the Pokemon you have then click the Dialga then it will go to your Pokemon white game. Good Luck
doesn't matter, the only difference is the rare Pokemon (palkia for pearl and dialga for diamond) and you can only get stunky on diamond not pearl and you can only get Scorpio on pearl not diamond. Other than that they are both the same and both as good. hope i helped!
Fire types are good against Steel,Ice,Bug,and Grass Pokemon.
It is a very good team but you should get more legendaries like dark rai palkia absol meow two NO! Its a crap team arceas sucks so does dialga and giratina
AnswerFighting Pokemon are good, however i had no problem with just my pinplup. Answerelectricity is good against first Pokemon drifblim