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Now, a Giratina surely needs Will-O-Wisp, really.

A good nature is Quiet to improve his spec. attack and lower his speed.

Giratina doesnt really need speed.

Since Giratina's special attack is risen, learn him moves wich dont make contact

with the other pokémon. Moves wich make contact are moves wich hit pokémon

by using his, her or even its fists, feet,... e.g.: Earthquake, close combat,...

Moves wich hit via spec.att dont make contact and are "launched" from the pokémon e.g.:

Dragon pulse, T(under) wave,...

My moveset:


-Shadow Force

-Draco Meteor

The last move depends on how you use your Giratina.

when he is

Spec. Att user: Earth power.

Lead: Shadow sneak, Ominus wind, ancient power.

Bulky: Shadow claw, Aura sphere.

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Q: What are good moves I should teach my Giratina in Pokemon Platinum?
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What Pokemon can kill Giratina in Pokemon Platinum?

Any if there strong enough, just dont use moves that have no affect on Giratina. But dont use Magikarp :~)

What pokemon should you use in Pokemon Platinum?

The best team in pokemon platinum is an Infernape, Staraptor, Luxray [third evolution of Shinx], Floatzel, Bibarel [make it learn all four moves as HMs] and Giratina.

What is a good Pokemon to catch on Pokemon Platinum?

giratina (even better in origin forme) Heatran (great fire moves) Lucario (get egg from iron island that has riolu, then evolve)

What moves can Giratina learn in Pokemon Platinum?

The moves that Giratina can learn in Pokémon Platinum via level-up which includes its signature attack of Shadow Force are Scary Face, Dragonbreath, Ancientpower, Omnious Wind, Dragon Claw, Heal Block, Slash, Earth Power, Shadow Claw and Aura Sphere.

What is the best Pokemon to use in the Pokemon leuge in Pokemon platinun?

The best pokemon team for pokemon platinum is Infernape, Staraptor, Floatzel, Luxray (Shinx third evolution), Giratina and Bibarel( make it learn all its four moves as HMs).

What legendary Pokemon is in turn back cave?

Giratina is in Turnback Cave if you have Diamond or Pearl. If you’ve already captured him in Platinum, you’ll find a Gresious Orb. It will change Giratina into his origin form if you make him hold it, and it also boosts the power of Ghost and Dragon moves.

What are Giratina's weaknesses in Pokemon Platinum?

the best two weaknesses are 1:grass 2:water types.

What is the best pokemon party ever?

In pokemon platinum, the best party ever is Infernape, Staraptor, Luxray[third evolution of Shinx], Floatzel, Bibarel [make it learn all its moves as HMs] and Giratina.

What is the best team for Pokemon platinum without legendary's and what moves they should have?

Well that is up to you :P

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In pokemon platinum, the best party ever is Infernape, Staraptor, Luxray[third evolution of Shinx], Floatzel, Bibarel [make it learn all its moves as HMs] and Giratina.

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Who will win Giratina or Palkia?

It all depends on their levels, moves, and what moves you use. It matters whether an experienced trainer is commanding the Pokemon or not, too. My opinion is that Giratina will win, if you use Dragon-type moves.