Tablet, tangent, tart, tempt, test, text, theft, thirst, thrift, thrust and trait are words. They begin and end with t.
Harsh, hatch and heath begin and end with the letter h. Additional words include hitch, hooch and hunch.
There are no 5 letter words in the English language that begin with r and end with f.
Abnormal, approval and atypical are 8 letter words. They begin with the letter a and end with the letter l.
Harsh, hatch and heath begin and end with the letter h. Additional words include hitch, hooch and hunch.
Some examples of five-letter words that begin and end with the same letter are: radar, level, civic, minim, and kayak.
Only one word: reink
There are no 5 letter words in the English language that begin with r and end with f.
Some four-letter words that begin with "a" and end with "t" are "chat," "that," and "swat."
Abnormal, approval and atypical are 8 letter words. They begin with the letter a and end with the letter l.
Some words that begin with the letter T and end with the letter K are:tacktalkteakthickticktooktracktrektricktrucktrunktuck
Several four letter words begin with the letter q. However, there are no four letter words that begin with the letter q and end with the letter o.
Mob and minicab are words that begin with the letter m and end with b.