elemental heroes are yu gi oh monsters. they belong to Jaden Yuki in Yu GI OH GX there are a large variety of elemental heroes and many spell and trap cards made specifically for them. but they dont work well in the deck
elemental hero avian elemental hero bladegge elemental hero wild heart elemental hero bubbleman elemental hero clayman elemental hero phenox elemental hero sparkman the rest are fusion
Are the elemental heros in tag force 4
I don't know many cards in his deck but I know that he has an "Elemental Hero" deck. Eg. Elemental Heroes: Clayman, Sparkman, Burstinatrix, Bubbleman, Avian, Wildheart, Necroshade.
In season 1 he uses purely elemental heroes. Then in season 2 and he uses neo - spacians then in season 4 while he's possessed by, I think it's Yubel, he uses evil heroes.
In my opinion Shining flare wingman.all you have to do is fuse the cards for It and you already have 600 extra attack, and you have flame wingmans effect.the top 5 elemental heroes areelemental hero rainbow neos for pure powerelemental hero terra firm because of his ability to steal other e.heroes powerelemental hero divine neos because he can take effects from other creatureselemental hero mud ball man cause of his amazing defenceelemental hero neos because of his amazing array of fusionsin order its1.elemental hero rainbow neos2.elemental hero mud ball man3.elemental hero terra firm4.elemental hero neos5.elemental hero divine neos
There are currently 57 released Elemental Hero monsters (not including Neo-Spacians, Evil Heroes, Destiny Heroes, Vision Heroes, and other "Hero" monsters without the Elemental Hero namesake).For more information on the Elemental Hero series, click on the "Related Link" below.
all of the monsters except elemental heroes evil heroes and neo spacians
elemental hero avian elemental hero bladegge elemental hero wild heart elemental hero bubbleman elemental hero clayman elemental hero phenox elemental hero sparkman the rest are fusion
It is found in card stores.
They all belong to a group of heros. Depending on what special abillities they have.
Are the elemental heros in tag force 4
Elemental heroes have many more cards than destiny heroes, so a greater possibility for combos exist. Destiny heroes are good at stalling when you use clock tower prision and have great draw power.
Erm no, there are only fifty of them, I've counted the merged also. In all there are sixty five. doto the fact most of the heroes can merege. if you count the neospacians there are seventy. the main five are avian, sparkman, clayman, burstinatrix, and bubble man. There are exactly 50 Elemental Heroes. You can find a list of all Elemental Heroes in the related link below. Note: Not all of the Elemental Heroes are released (yet) in the OCG.
It is the Destiny Heroes. They represent supervillians, in the same way as the Elemental Heroes are the superheroes, the 'justice'.
you can get them from the ra yellow pack it has burstinatrix sparkman and so on
Yes, all old Elemental Hero monsters (Destiny Hero and Evil Hero too) have had a retroactive name change. So Elemental Hero Avian is now considered to be Elemental HERO Avian, etc. That means the old E-heroes are compatible with recent GENF cards that look for 'HERO monsters', while monsters like Oscillo Hero do not count, the capitalisation is there to specifically exclude monsters who are not part of the superhero 'HERO' archetype.