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Are the elemental heros in tag force 4

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Q: Are there elemental heroes in Yu-Gi-Oh 5ds tag force 4?
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Stardust dragon is not available in yugioh gx tag force 3 as it is a gx version. Only a 5ds version such as yugioh 5ds tag force 4 would have stardust. So, try getting yugioh 5ds tag force 4.

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they arent in that game

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Go to to check for updates when new tuornament on yugioh 5'ds be out.

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get the card pack force of the breaker

What is after Yugioh 5ds?

yugioh zexal in Spring 2011

Where can you download cards into Yugioh 5Ds Tag Force 5 besides the official site?

you cant

How do I get stardust dragon card in yugioh 5ds tag force four?

beat yusei story

What comes after Yugioh 5ds?

Series after: yugioh 5'ds is yugioh Zexal.

What is the best Yu-Gi-Oh gx game for the psp?

yugioh gx tag force 3 i guess but yugioh 5ds tag force is aw well played in psp

When did earthbound come out?

when yugioh 5ds did

Can you get Yu-Gi-Oh tag force for the wii?

I don't think so, but there is a recently released game based on the new Yugioh 5Ds game called "Yugioh 5Ds Wheelie Breakers". I don't know anything about it, as I do not own it, but it is thus far the only Yugioh game for the Wii.