Woolly (:
Enchanting, Erotic, Enticing, Embrace, Exhilarating, Enjoyment
boy bun bird buy by bus bitten bite beg bedrock
Capable, caring, cautious, charismatic, compassionate, competent, courageous and courteous are positive descriptive words.
short answer: yes
descriptive words are also known as vivid words.
Gibberish and nonsense are descriptive words.
Some descriptive cooking words (adjectives) that start with A are:acidicaddedadventurousappealingappetizingaromaticauthenticawful
Some descriptive words that contain the letter J are:adjustableCajunenjoyablejadejazzyjealousjoyfuljuniormajorpejorativeprejudicedrejuvenating
A descriptive adjective
fire words
The English language is filled with visually descriptive words. Ten visually descriptive words include pretty, muscular, manly, dainty, charming, shapely, robust, elegant, lovely, and nimble.
you are fat as a hippo