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A descriptive adjective

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A descriptive adjective

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Q: When you join two words with a hyphen, what have you created?
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What have you created when you join two words with a hyphen?

A descriptive adjective

When you join two words with a hyphen what do you created?

A compound word

What do you get when you join two words together with a hyphen?

When join two words together with hyphen, we normally get a new compound word, which always signifies a combine meaning of the joined words.

Can timeframe be used as two words without a hyphen?

Time frame should always be two words without a hyphen.

What is the difference between a hyphen and a dash?

a hyphen connects two words, a dash gives a pause between two words....

What hyphen is a special type of hyphen that prevents two words separated by a hyphen from splitting at end of a line?

It Is A Special Hyphen

What is the hyphen that prevents two words separated by a hyphen from splitting at the end of a line?

Non-breaking hyphen

What is is a special type of hyphen that prevents two words separated by a hyphen from splitting at the end of a line?

Nonbreaking Hyphen

What is - used for in a sentence?

If it only one dash or hyphen, it is used to join two words into an adjectival phrase, as for example: well-heeled movie star.

What hyphen prevents two words from being split-up?

non breaking hyphen

How do you write the word Inchargewhaether one has to put a hyphen between in and charge?

These are two words. There is no hyphen in the concept. In charge means to have leadership in English, so there is no hyphen to connect the two.

What is used to join compound words and numbers?

A hyphen is used to separate the words and numbers. Ex: two-headed lizard, three-layered cake, four-bedroom house, five-minute workout