Just use "Prizerebel" It'll take you about 15 minutes to get 3 months free on AQW.
You must buy The Cards.
show the doomwood mod pack code
oicu812 = Skullwraith thirteen1 = Badger Helm dragonkhan823480 = Dragonkhan sword
Log into portal.battleon and click on the 'Redeem Codes' tab and insert the code in the Prize Codes block, then click submit.
thirteen1 is the only other code besides oicu812. thirteen1 unlocks the badger helm and it is pretty pimp.
yes there is more codes in aqw than oicu812 it is thirteen1
thirteen1 and oicu812.
oicu812 thirteen1 dragonkhan8234280
OICU812 and thirteen13
Ussualy you put the codes in with valincia except card clasher class
the codes are oicu812 for skullwraith the sword and there used to be a code thirteen1 but its stopped now
nope there are no cheats for aqw
The CODES are oicu812 and thirteen1
oicu812 is the only one i know
The code is dragonkhan8234280