Circles indicate words contained within longer words and are usually related to the theme of the puzzle.
the series of white squares in the crossword grid, into which answers are entered, are called "lights".
medical helicopter
You could call it a crossword puzzle but for numbers. The concept is simple. Fill the 9×9 Puzzle Grid (totalling 81 Cells) with the numbers 1 to 9 so that each Box (the grid is subdivided into nine 3×3 Boxes), each Row and each Column contain the numbers 1 to 9.
First, choose the words you want to have in your crossword puzzle. They can be related if you want your puzzle to have a certain theme, but it doesn't need one. Then arrange your words so that the words that have letters in common overlap at that letter. Number the beginnings of each word (have "across" words and "down" words) and write a clue for each one. Then arrange your puzzle on grid paper, leaving a box for each letter of each word. Don't actually write the letters in, since someone needs to solve it! Shade in the unused parts of the grid, and give the grid and the clues to someone so they can solve it. I've heard that there are websites you can use to make your own crossword puzzles, which would make my entire paragraph up there pretty pointless (except for the part about coming up with the words). I don't have a link to any of those websites, though. Does anyone else?
bewolf BELIEF word seen in crossword puzzles BEHALF word seen in crossword puzzles BITOFF word seen in crossword puzzles BADOFF word seen in crossword puzzles BIRDOF word seen in crossword puzzles BITSOF word seen in crossword puzzles BUGOFF word seen in crossword puzzles
a standard crossword grid size is 15 by 15, 17 by 17or 19 by 19
A crossword is a blank grid puzzle that you fill in by answering the given clues.
the series of white squares in the crossword grid, into which answers are entered, are called "lights".
what/ four/ word/
medical helicopter
Chinese Checkers. Does that fit into your crossword?
and fill in the crossword puzzle/grid
To create a crossword puzzle grid, start by deciding on the size of the grid and the theme of your puzzle. Use a grid template or draw a grid with squares for each letter. Fill in the grid with your chosen words, making sure they intersect correctly. Add black squares to separate words and create a symmetrical layout. Finally, clue each word with hints that are challenging but fair.
The number of consecutive, clear units in the crossword grid.
The complex formula log z defines a polar grid. The real part is (xx+yy)^.5 and the imaginary part is atany/x. Plotting this will give you concentric circles and lines radiating from (0,0) at right angles to the circles.