==> stealingistoomainstream
1) gives maximum relationship with TERRANCE
(right hideout room)
==> wafflesdontyoumeancarrots
2) gives maximum relationship with ELIAS
(left hideout room)
==> letthecatoutofthebag
3) gives maximum relationship with FIDEL
(station house)
==> gogoflowerpower
4) gives maximum relationship with AIDEN
(flower shop)
==> effthepolice
5) automatically unlocks VEON = all RED signs put/drawn next to bird in south outskirts
(behind door after farther outskirts)
-order: (bird), SUN, (tree), BIRD, (house), FLOWERS, (rainbow), DOG, (person), FRIEND
(signs in brackets are added by another drawer after each rest)
- going back after next rest: VEON caught
- CHOOSE: I) watch over Veon or II) stay with Elias
I) unlocks Veon
==> ilikedveonbeforehewascool
5) gives maximum relationship with VEON
(finish game with him)
==> workingovertime
6) Automatically unlocks CLYDE
- carousel is running (after rest & Clyde=love interest)
==> gardeningisforsquares
7) automatically unlocks RAINE
(girl in the woods behind east fence gate)
==> ihaveathingfortwintails
7) gives maximum relationship with RAINE
==> bartermaster
8) automatically unlocks SKY = after getting FLASHLIGHT
(in factory)
- give him terry the toaster (book)
==> canihaspicturebook
- gives maximum relationship with SKY
iswearipaidforallofit-all tools and 25of all items
simdatinglikeaboss-soulmate with everybody
iwasntplanningtosleepinganyway-infinite hp
you keep buying flowers atil the you get the shovel
there all on this website http://www.alltipsandtricks.com/pico-sim-date-2-cheats/
lunar days sim date chrono days sim date anime days sim date 1.0/2.0/2.5
you keep buying flowers atil the you get the shovel
there all on this website http://www.alltipsandtricks.com/pico-sim-date-2-cheats/
lunar days sim date chrono days sim date anime days sim date 1.0/2.0/2.5
foodlupabletonkarou- gets you a date with fantine
You can't enter any cheat because there is NO cheats....
Yall really need cheats for such an easy game like pico sim date 1?
the harmonica hope i helped :)
in the well at the town square
he likes anything that you give him
amyisgod-items,hp,money imhotterthanyou-stat isueyou-money dontletmattdrive-hp playtimeisover-last day