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Axew, Fraxure, Haxorus


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Q: What are all the non-legendary dragon Pokemon in white version?
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What is the name of the legendary Pokemon in the white version?

i have Pokemon white, its zekrom electric dragon 2nd in ranking of 649 Pokemon of all games.

Is Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Darkness the newest Pokemon?

no it is not infact Pokemon black and white have the fifth edition of Pokemon the two legendary are cool take a look! the white version legendary is stronger than the black version legendary 2nd answer: pay attention to the first answer but please not that the gray legendary is the strongest of all (excluding arceus) it can absurd both the black dragon AND the white dragon.

Is black Pokemon version harder than the black version or the white version is harder than the black version?

pokemon white is hareder than pokemon black

Which last Pokemon should you choose for black and white version you have Serperior seismitoad krookodile swoobat and carracosta?

i think you shoud get haxorus because you have on dragon type pokemon

What is Pokemon Blacks legendary Pokemon mascot?

The legendary mascots for Pokemon Black is Reshiram the white dragon one. Pokemon White is Zekrom the black dragon one.

Is Zectron in Pokemon black or Pokemon White?

Zekrom (the black dragon) is found in Pokemon White.

What are the names of the new Pokemon games?

Pokemon Black Version & Pokemon White Version.

What defeats dragon in Pokemon Black and White?

ice and dragon

Can Pokemon white in jap version with eng patch be played with English version of Pokemon white?

yes the japenese version is compatible with the English version.

Is Zekrom on Pokemon black or Pokemon White version?

Pokemon white reshiram is on black

When do you get the main dragon type Pokemon in Pokemon white?


What is the monster in giant hole in pocket monsters black version and white version?

The Pokemon in the 'Giant Hole' is Kyuremu, the third in the legendary dragon trio of Isshu along with Zekrom and Reshiram.