I really can't remember ALL of the ice-type moves :( , but some r very popular, such as sheer cold(1-hit KO), ice shard(always hits 1st), blizzard, ice beam, avalanche, hail, powder snow, ice punch and ice fang.
ice type moves
Use ice type moves or dragon type moves. You should use a Weavile, or a Floatzel or Starmie with ice type moves. There are several other options...
Dragon type Pokemon are weak against Ice, Dragon, and Fairy type moves.
Ice type Pokemon in Pokemon Pearl are weak to fighting type moves, rock type moves steel type moves and fire type moves. This has not changed since the first generation (Pokemon Red and Blue/Green) when the steel type did not exist.
Lapras is a Water and Ice type Pokemon so Electric type moves, Fighting type moves, Rock type moves and Grass type moves will be super effective.
rock and ice type + moves right for all poeple
ice type moves
Grass type moves and ground type moves.
Use ice type moves or dragon type moves. You should use a Weavile, or a Floatzel or Starmie with ice type moves. There are several other options...
Dragon type Pokemon are weak against Ice, Dragon, and Fairy type moves.
dragon and ice type moves are my opinion
Use ice type moves. If you don't have any ice Pokemon with ice moves, get an evee and evolve it into Glacion with a dawn stone.
Ice type Pokemon in Pokemon Pearl are weak to fighting type moves, rock type moves steel type moves and fire type moves. This has not changed since the first generation (Pokemon Red and Blue/Green) when the steel type did not exist.
Lapras is a Water and Ice type Pokemon so Electric type moves, Fighting type moves, Rock type moves and Grass type moves will be super effective.
ghost pokemon Fire Type Moves... Ice Type Moves... Electric Moves... Just do not use... Normal and Fighting Type Moves....
Electric, rock and ice type moves.
Like Dragonite, Salamence is a Dragon and Flying type. It's only weaknessess are: Ice type moves Rock type moves Dragon type moves