Go to Other servers steal passwords. Go to Other servers steal passwords.
All private servers are "legal" in that they are not breaking any laws. However, Blizzard considers private servers a violation of the Terms of Service of World of Warcraft in general, and therefore, any private servers are actually in violation of Blizzard Entertainment's Terms of Acceptable Use for their software. In other words, private servers are like pirated software, and you should always be careful to be sure your username and password on a Private server NEVER matches any other username/password combination you have elsewhere online.
All Runescape private servers are Illegal, if caught Jagex may take it seriously.
I think it is Cloudy. Or Someone from old l2signs clan Parafryzers or HolyGuards.
No, there is not any good servers for Minecraft 1.6.6. In fact, there are no more 1.6.6 servers at all. There are only updated servers. My recamendation is for you to update minecraft. All of the servers, or the most active, always update.
Hmmm, I Think Godzhell Or Hackscape Are The Best Ones. Although Godzhell Is Very Mixed Up, But Has Very Good Money And Items, Hackscape Is Alot Better Than Godzhell, But Hackscape Restarts And You Lose All Your Items And Levels, Leaving Godzhell Non-Restarting. But To Find More Private Servers, Go To
you should look on their website
No, because the private servers aren't linked to Runescape at all.
To all who are reading this, private servers are illegal and unstable, believe me, I once played private servers and it got me a virus in my computer.
Type "MapleStory Private Servers" into Google and click ultimatetop200, extremetop100, and the like. The individual servers usually have a reference to the server's version download. DO NOT run Maplestory.exe. Run the private server's .exe file only. Private servers for maplestory have not been taken away yet. On September 1, 2009 private servers on ultimatetop200 work. extremetop100 does not have maplestory private servers anymore, as they have been shut down by Nexon. No one is responsible for your actions except yourself. Play in private servers at your own risk.
Private servers in WoW are servers that are not connected to the official servers in any way. They basically are hacked copies of the WoW servers. Do not support them. - I support the private servers, first of all they are free, second of all they are different than the actual game and have different rules, monsters, and areas, third of all they all aren't copies. I support the private servers. - 1. Yes, they are free. But you do not have the quality GM's that the official servers have. GM's on private servers are not bound by any rules. they do what they want when they want. 2. you might have different models or what not, but if they are not the same as the official servers, then you are not playing the game. 3. If you are not connected with the official servers, they ARE copies.
Private servers are operated by a company or a group of people who are not affiliated with Blizzard Entertainment. These servers do not have Blizzard support, and all technical aspects are handled by the admins' technicians. Some private servers have a small charge, while others are free to play in. Private servers are generally less stable and prone to being abandoned when compared to the official servers, but some stable ones have existed for years with minor incidents.
Go to For all Item Id's
Just a suggestion in reminding that Private servers have been banned from maple since the start and recently they've gotten regal rights to 'sue' (of the sorts) anyone that makes one. you could try with the old way of creating private servers but it wont work, unless your super genius and come up with a crack to do it your own. & even if you did have that, i doubt you'd be able to put it all together IF that method of creating a private server was still available.
since the latest patch, all games platforms can have private servers. you rent them on rent a server.
All private servers are "legal" in that they are not breaking any laws. However, Blizzard considers private servers a violation of the Terms of Service of World of Warcraft in general, and therefore, any private servers are actually in violation of Blizzard Entertainment's Terms of Acceptable Use for their software. In other words, private servers are like pirated software, and you should always be careful to be sure your username and password on a Private server NEVER matches any other username/password combination you have elsewhere online.
u shouldn't all actions in private servers are not logged in system thus u will get no advantage
That's impossible, ALL Private servers are Illegal, i would suggest staying away fron them.