you know what
you know what
you know what
you know what
yes and no. You can turn it down to where it says like darn and stuff, not full out bad words
Mirrors edge is a 16 because it has cursing in it. that is really it. the combat parts are not violent at all. i think this game should be a 12+
I think he was just talking gibberish as that's what all leprechauns say, or maybe he is cursing himself under his breath for hurting his butt when he fell off the rainbow slide.
you cant y would u buy it if it says right on the panel cursing
All the five vowels words in English are .. A E I O U
Swearing and Cursing words. Cursing and Swearing words. Like rape.
No there is no cursing although on an Episode of tdaa there were words that they beeped out
She bleeps out the words with ----.
The only way to prevent parrots from cursing you must not say any bad words or teach them not to say bad words.
Not very strong at all. I wouldn't worry about it I have the game and I don't think that there is any cursing at all. Even if there is, bad words would only crop up once or twice throughout the whol game.
No because i have read all of the books and there was no bad words
Not All The Time But It Can Be
yes mean girls does have cursing in it
Its when a Person is repulsively Loud, Aggresive, Funny,Fun to be with and that uses profanity language all the time(Curse words/Cursing)
Almost all bands have some songs with cursing. It's almost just a way to get their feelings out.
well it depends on what kind of cursing you mean. if you mean cursing as in bad words, well its not a good thing but people still do it so who cares.and if u mean cursing like hexes and black magic, well they probably are bad but i do them and i know a lot of people who do. either way cursing no matter how you mean it is bad..but that doesnt stop me or anyone else.
no becose poeple are not that sensetive to words and is not needed