yes and no. You can turn it down to where it says like darn and stuff, not full out bad words
Yes there is a blue switch in the option screen to turn it off its a blue switch
No, But I do agree that there is to much of it in campaign...
You dont. Its a mature game.
Simply go to the black ops multiplayer settings and disable the aim assist
when you start the game a message appears and it should say if you would like to turn off the bad language and that lot. If you miss it you should be able to do it in the options.
You can't. If the cursing bothers you, don't play the game.
No U Cant
you cant you can lower the graphic content for less blodd tho but cursing you cant ban
You can't, that was only available in World at War and Black Ops.
yes a lot
yes you can
no you can not
go into to options to turn it off.
you can turn it off in Call of Duty Black Ops
You can turn them all off including the blood