Yes Sims pets will have different personalities because they can't all have the same personalities or your pets will get mixed up with other pet lol!!!!!!!!!
There is no official Pokemon game that has all Pokemon catchable in it, which means you'll have to trade and transfer Pokemon from other games to get all the Pokemon. However, some fan-made hacks do have all the Pokemon catchable in them.
There is a patch for Pokemon Emerald with all the 1st, 2nd and 3rd pokemon. Nothing with all the 493 yet
Go on, or try, for the Pokedex on all the Pokemon.
200 Pokemon is all the emerald Pokemon to get more beat elite four and get national dex
As far as I know, there are no personalities in that game.
quirky and jolly is not on rescue team, but if you want to be good you must be totodile and helper is bulbasaur
No they all have different personalities and act differently.
my balls
(Nerd Talk; Pokemon is sooooooo gross) "Well, I suggest you ask a fellow Pokemon lover like me. Of course, I'm not expierenced enough to know all the leh-vuhlz and eh-voh-loo-shonz. So get somebody elze." That's the dumbest question ever. So I just gave you the dumbest answer ever. Pokemon is so efin weird. Die efin Pokemon, DIE!! All Pokemon lovers are efin wierd!!!!!!! Hope it helped. Lol!!
All people have different personalities
person1: it always sucks up its enemys
Starvation, Strife and confusion.
The correct spelling is "personalities."
No not at all. Personalities are always different from one person to the next. Blood Type has absolutely and positively nothing to do with personality. No two people are alike.
Yes Sims pets will have different personalities because they can't all have the same personalities or your pets will get mixed up with other pet lol!!!!!!!!!
No Megatron makes sure that he has all such personalities on his team.