Well I can't say all but I will at least type 20. If you have the game it should be easier to see for yourself.
But anyway. WARNING: this is from the sinnoh Pokedex.
And these are also how to pronounce them.
1.Staraptor. Star-rap-tor
2.Empoleon. Em-Po-Leon
3.Infernape. Infer-nape
4.Torterra. Tort-er-ra
5.Kricketune. Krick-et-une
6.Spiritomb. Spirit-omb
7.Milotic. Mi-lo-tic
8.Dialga. dia-lga
9.Palkia. Pal-kia
10.Giratina. Girat-ina
11.Shaymin. Shay-min
12.Mesprit. Mesp-rit
13.Uxie. Uxie
14.Azelf. A-zelf
15.Heatran. Heat-ran
16.Darkrai. Dark-rai
17.Pikachu. Pika-chu
18.Raichu. Rai-chu
19.Pachirisu. Pachi-risu
20.Crobat. Cro-bat
Well I hope you get to know more of the world of Pokemon Diamond and Pearl on Nintendo DS.
I hope This helped.
Answered by Hikari-Kay
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check your national pokedex check serebii.net :)
The longer you play the games, the more you'll remember all the names. Few people could sit down and name every Pokemon from memory alone, but many players could probably name them all if pictures were provided.
Watch the Pokémon rap from the Gen 1 anime, it contains all but one of the Gen 1 Pokémon names.
good Pokemon names are shock, flame, bubble, spook. Try to make the nickname refer to the type of the Pokemon.
The related link below is an up-to-date list of all Pokemon games, ordered by release date in Japan, the US, Europe and other countries since Pokemon Red and Green's release in 1996.