Open Cheat box [ctrl, shift, and c at the same time] type boolprop testingcheatsenabled true , hit shift and click on self, go to spawn and click tombstone of L and D. you can do many things with the tombstone, including speed up pregnancy and make me alien preagnant.
No there is not a cheat to make a sim pregnate on the sims 2 for ps2
No teenager on Sims can be PREGNANT. unless you have a cheat, but they cant!
No you can not have a baby or get pregnant on The Sims 2 PS2
I'll give you two biggest cheat codes! testingcheatsenabled true The cheat code above is to get a sims heath up Motherlode This cheat above is to gives your sims more cash Please use these codes!
rosebud ; , ; , ; , ; , ; , (on and on)
No there is not a cheat to make a sim pregnate on the sims 2 for ps2
No teenager on Sims can be PREGNANT. unless you have a cheat, but they cant!
No you can not have a baby or get pregnant on The Sims 2 PS2
I'll give you two biggest cheat codes! testingcheatsenabled true The cheat code above is to get a sims heath up Motherlode This cheat above is to gives your sims more cash Please use these codes!
I'm not sure.... but why not do it the natural way? If you don't want your sims to age while they are pregnant disable aging in options.
There are none
cheat codes
cheat codes
I have tested your quistion on my sims and there is not a booldrop code for the sims.