Poison-Type moves are only strong against Grass-Types.
Poison-Type Pokémon are strong against Grass-Types, Bug-Types, Fighting-Types, and other Poison-Types.
Poison is strong against grass type Pokémon.
Poison types are weak against Ground and Psychic types.
Flying, Poison, Bug, Fire, and Ice type moves are strong against a Grass type Pokemon.
Poison and Steel type moves are good against Fairy type Pokemon.
Fighting types are weak against psychic and flying types.
Poison is strong against grass type Pokémon.
Poison types are weak against Ground and Psychic types.
Flying, Poison, Bug, Fire, and Ice type moves are strong against a Grass type Pokemon.
Poison and Steel type moves are good against Fairy type Pokemon.
Poison, rock and electric.
Koga. He uses Poison type. Use Steel type, for they are not affected by poison. Or use Ground type because they are strong against poison.
Poison is strong against Grass. It's weak against Poison, Ground, Rock, and Ghost. It can't affect Steel. Ground and Psychic are strong against Poison. Grass, Fighting, Poison, and Bug are weak against Poison.
poison, electric, fire, rock, and steel
Fighting types are weak against psychic and flying types.
It is a Poison-Flying type. It evolves into Golbat.
Poison-type Pokémon are weak against Ground and Psychic-typed moves (not counting their secondary typing).However with the ability for you to get those types not available early in the game, I would recommend a Magnemite (Virbank Complex) against Roxie as Steel-types are immune to Poison moves.
Psychic type Pokémon. An example is Metagross, as Metagross is a dual steel and psychic type Pokémon, meaning you'll be able to destroy virtually any poison type Pokémon and take no damage from poison type attacks at the same time.