Since Groudon is a ground type go for a Ice-type or Grass-type move. Yes, I know that Ground-types are also weak to Water-type moves, but since Groudon has a Drought ability, Water is not as effective because of the sunlight. However since the drought ability boosts the effect of grass type move. In this case, use a special attack move (Groudon is slightly weak to sp. attack) like Solarbeam. This will do massive damage. Another hard-hitting move is Blizzard, an Ice-type sp. attack move. If you want to catch it, I would use a Physical Attack Water-type moves like Aqua Tail. This will hopefully help you with that Legendary Pokemon!
Groudon is a Ground type and with the help of primal reversion, it can evolve into Primal Groudon. Groudon's first appearance is in the games Ruby/Sapphire. It's a legendary pokémon, but still has his weaknesses. It's weak (2x) against: Grass, Ice and Water types and has immunity against the Electric type. It's also strong (resistant, 0.5x) against Poison and Rock types.Primal Groudon however is weak against: Water (4x) and Ground (2x) types, also immune against Electric and resistant (0.5x) to: Bug, Fairy, Fire, Poison and Steel types.
On the national pokedex Groudon is number 383.You can not find Groudon on the Sinnoh pokedex.
use all your Pokemon every time you win 1 Pokemon switch for a difrent Pokemon or use groudons best move earthquake or fire killer blasst
ice and dragon
Water, Fire, Fighting and Ground.
Touch a man...
Nothing since Groudons are genderless. No egg...therefore, NO POKEMON.
It is a ground-type.
dgdyuekjyfduewuyb8eryu euinc euriew
You go to groudons cave is and the magma stone shall awake him make sure to have alot of ultra balls. and where is groudons cave then???
you can find chimchar and also ''torchic'' on groudons palace
You cant the only way to get groudon on sapphire is to trade it from ruby
deep heat cave 8f :)
On the national pokedex Groudon is number 383.You can not find Groudon on the Sinnoh pokedex.
you can only obtain 1 groudon by catching, but i suppose if you traded someone else for a groudon you can have 2.
They are earthquake, solar-beam fire-blast thunder, but you have to get it at the lilycove supermarket on the 4# floor or the 3# or 2# floor.
my weaknesses is shopping online