use all your Pokemon every time you win 1 Pokemon switch for a difrent Pokemon or use groudons best move earthquake or fire killer blasst
YES, YOU DUMMY!(after you defeat the Pokemon League and get the Ruby/Sapphire.)
You get the go-goggles from your rival after you defeat Flannery.
No, after you enter you can only try and defeat them.
lol your a noob
As soon as you defeat the Pokemon league, you can find Latios roaming around in the wild. You can also get Latias in Pokemon Sapphire.
YES, YOU DUMMY!(after you defeat the Pokemon League and get the Ruby/Sapphire.)
Get the Goundon
have a strong fire Pokemon or fire move
yes swarpert is a greatest Pokemon to defeat elite four
by fighting
defeat the pokemon league
You can defeat trainers and sell items.
you need to defeat the elite four on both games
I'm going to assume you mean "Pokemon Ruby" in your question. Anyway, to trade between Ruby and XD, you must beat Pokemon XD and defeat the champion in Ruby.
The members of the Elite 4 are Sidney, Phoebe, Glacia, and Drake. Sidney uses Dark-type Pokemon, Phoebe uses Ghost-type Pokemon, Glacia uses Ice-type Pokemon, and Drake uses Dragon-type Pokemon.
get a fire type
We can get other regions starter Pokemon if we defeat the battle tower