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Giratina's weaknesses are Ice, Ghost, Dragon and Dark.

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Q: What are Giratina's weakness in Pokemon Platinum?
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What Pokemon are only in Pokemon Platinum?

it has all the same like diamond and pearl except thst it has giratinas special fly form

What are all the dragons names in Pokemon platinum?

The Dragons named are Palkia, Dialga and Giratina (Giratinas the one on the cover)

How do you get Giratinas new form in Pokemon Diamond with Action Replay?

You can't. you can only get Ghiritina's origin form in Pokemon Platinum, which is coming soon.

How do i get the national pokedex?

for platinum, diamond, and pearl versions you must see all 210 of sinnohs pokemon. this takes forever. i got 2 palkias, and 2 giratinas before i did this on platinum.

What is the new Pokemon game upcoming and what Pokemon is on the cover?

That would be Pokemon Platinum coming 2009 it's cover has Giratinas origion form. Visit for a picture of the box and more info on the game.

What are aarons pokemons weakness on Pokemon Platinum?

Ground, fighting and water.

How do you get Giratinas form on Pokemon Pearl?

You can't get origan form in Pokemon pearl. Sorry...

How do you get throw Giratinas puzzle on Pokemon platinum?

well i figured it out after a while by realsing that you have to push to stone onto the holes . jsut follow mesprit an the others. if this doesnt hlp go on youtube.

How do you get to the third boldor in Giratinas place on Pokemon platnium?

need ar

How do you get a lot of giantinas on Pokemon Diamond?

Get another game, (such as Pearl, Platinum or another Diamond, preferably Platinum as it is the main Legendary in that) which has captured Giratina, and trade it across. There is no other way with one game, without cheating, to get multiple Giratinas. Courtesy of Josh, England.

How do you change Giratinas form platinum?

You need to give it the Griseous Orb to hold, and it will automatically change forme.