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A disadvantage for customers in buying online is that they cannot judge if the item they are going to buy is actually going to fit them properly. Sometimes when you buy from a high street store, you can try on the item to see if they fit properly but with buying online you cannot do that. A customer can sometimes see a picture online and buys the product and they find out that what they buy is not what the picture is but it is against the law to put false pictures of an item online to sell.

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Q: What are Disadvantages of click and brick?
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Advantages and disadvantages of brick and click business?

Brick and click businesses contain bricks and clicks

What is the example click and brick?

The mason used his trowel to break the brick with the sound of a click. From up on the rooftop, click, click , click; then down the street's wet and shiny bricks. The tiny reindeer's hooves made a sharp-sounding click when they hit the sidewalk's brick.

What is Click and brick in and e business environment?

brick means traditional business sale channel, click (the click sound of mouse)means online business sale method.

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go to click on the cars brick then click on the hpi brick once on that type in your registration number and click go. it should then tell you the make and model of your car.

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Click Workspace. Insert > Object. Next, put in Model. Then, put in a brick. Name the brick "Head" then put it in model. Then click on Model then click Insert > Object. Then click on Humanoid. From there, you can edit the Humanoid settings.

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A concrete block is made from concrete, a brick block is made from brick. They are two different building materials. Both have their respective advantages and disadvantages.

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Click the brick behind McM.

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You can't!

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Open insert when you are in your place then choose free decals then type your search then click on the decal you want then click on the side of the brick you want it on (i.e. top, bottom, back e.t.c.)

How do you be small in blockland?

Use the wrench on any brick (accept the music brick) and click on events. OnActivate - Player - SetPlayerScale - the lowest setting.