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"21 questions" is always a fun game to play, even as friends or when dating. Here are some possible questions-- 30 of them!

  1. When's your birthday?
  2. Do you have any siblings?
  3. What's the most hilarious trick your siblings and you ever played on someone?
  4. What are your parents like?
  5. Do you like sports and what kinds of sports?
  6. Have you ever wished you could play a particular sport?
  7. What's your favorite color?
  8. What's your favorite food? Do you like TV?
  9. Which is your favorite TV show?
  10. Who is your number one pick among any actresses or actors?
  11. Where do you want to go on holiday? What do you wanna do on holiday? Why?
  12. Do you like music? What kind of music?
  13. Who's your favorite artist?
  14. What's your top 3 favorite songs?
  15. Who is your favorite male singer?
  16. Who is your favorite female singer?
  17. If you could get three wishes what would it be? Why?
  18. If you could change your name, would you leave it or change it?
  19. Name a super power you'd want to get.
  20. What subjects do you like best?
  21. What do you "want to be when you grow up"?
  22. Do you use Mac or Windows?
  23. Do you play any video or computer games?
  24. What's something you do that not many people know about?
  25. What kind of girls do you like? (sporty, girly.. etc.)
  26. Whats your ideal girl?
  27. Whats your ideal date?
  28. What would be your first kiss?
  29. How far have you gone in a relationship?
  30. How far are you willing to go not in a relationship?
  31. Have you ever done anything with another girl while in a relationship with someone else?

One thing to remember when you are talking to a guy whether its over the phone or in person is to BE YOURSELF!

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he will ask you something like are you in a relationship, do you fancy anyone or he would ask what type of boys you like and then he will see if you answer it about him.

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maybe......what was it like growing up?....... it depends if you are a boy or a girl, obviously for a girl there would be a hell of a lot more questions but if your a boy just ask simple but affective ones xxx

What do you ask a boy?

You could ask a boy about his favorite hobbies, interests, or what he's looking forward to. It's important to ask open-ended questions that allow him to share more about himself.

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