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Q: What are some questions for the game 21 questions?
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Related questions

What are coins for in 21 questions?

In the game 21 Questions, coins are used to reveal who answered questions about you. There are two ways that you can collect coins: by playing the game or purchasing them.

How do you play 21 questions?

Ask 21 questions and hope someone answers them. In the real game 21 questions, you ask 21 questions and who ever can't answer them looses. ask 21 question?

How do you play question?

Ask 21 questions and hope someone answers them. In the real game 21 questions, you ask 21 questions and who ever can't answer them looses. ask 21 question?

Where did the game 21 Questions originate?

The game 21 Questions originated in the United States in the 19th century. The game reached popularity during the 1940's as a result of a weekly radio quiz show.

What to ask a person in a game of 21 questions?

ask them their favourite ice cram flavour?

What are good questions to ask for the game '21 Questions'?

What's your favorite food? What's your favorite color? What's your most embarressing story? Questions like those.

How do you answer questions about people on facebook?

If you wont to answer questions about your friends on Facebook, then you need to allow some apps. Here are some:"My friends secrets""21 questions" and"Social interview"

20 questions game?

is a game you play to get to know someone and have some fun.

I played 21 questions with a guy and he asked who i liked does that hint anything or no?

21 questions is a popular ice breaker game. Some people's answers may not be accurate. His question to you may just be a question. If he couldn't think of a good question, it may be just an easy one to ask. Don't look any further into it.

What are some trivial fact for 21?

Here are some trivial facts about the number 21, there is a game named 21, Sammy Sosa's jersey was 21, 21 is the age of adulthood.

How do you introdouce yourslef?

well you could do what i did once, finde some one at a basket ball game and just talk to them. play a game of 21 questions or something, but it dusent allwas work for every one. so i wish you good luck......................................

Questions and answers to the family feud?

A person can get some questions and answers from the Family Feud game that you can purchase at the store. The questions that are on television are changing all of the time. You will be able to practice with the game.