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Q: What animals are five letters long and the second letter is an I?
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Which countries have only five letters in their names with an S as the second letter?

There are no countries (in English) with names five letters long with "s" as the second letter.

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What are some animals that begin with the letter o and have five letters?

otter, owlet

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What five letter animals end with E?

There are several animals whose names are five letters long and end in an "e". Some of them are listed here.AnodeCraneEagleFlukeGeeseGooseGrebeHorseLouseMooseMousePeweeSableSkateWhale

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What animals are five letters long an second letter is an e?

Oh, dude, you're really testing my animal knowledge here. Let me think... okay, got it! The animal you're looking for is a weasel. Five letters long, second letter is an 'e'. Boom! Like, who knew animal trivia could be so thrilling, right?

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Animals and birds that begin with the letter c and have at least five letters?

Crane.. and canary, crocidile, cattle, chicken.

What president has five letters in first name and nine letters in the last name second letter in last name is an x?

There is no president who meets your criteria.