maybe okapi will fit.
Xenarthra - a mammal in South America. Xoloitzcuintli - a dog.
Well, honey, if we're talking about animals, the second letter of a name that starts with a D could be an "O" in a word like "dog" or "donkey." But hey, I'm not here to play guessing games, so if you've got a specific animal in mind, spill the beans and I'll give you a straight answer.
A vole is an animal that starts with v and looks like a hampster.
A yak
The sloth is an animal. Its name sounds like slaw.
The only animal that looks like a llama (apart from the camel) is an alpaca. This is possibly what you were thinking of?
Hippopotamus is an animal that like to wallow in the river. It begins with the letter H.
maybe okapi will fit.
GingaRed's animal form looks like a red lion. GingaGreen's animal form looks like a green dragon/falcon. GingaBlue's animal form looks like a blue gorilla. GingaYellow's animal form looks like a yellow wolf. GingaPink's animal form looks like a pink wildcat. And as for the extras: GingaCrimson's animal form looks like a crimson rhinoceros. GingaNavy's animal form looks like a navy phoenix. GingaSilver's animal form looks like a silver shark.
The stick insect is an animal that looks like a stick.