sonic tails amy knukles rouge metal sonic sara blaze espio vector charmy metal sonic,shadow,tails and metal knukles bark bean heavey bomb omega shadow maria robotnick blaze silver
Because it is not a Nintendo-based game. It has to be a Nintendo-based game like these:Super Mario Bros. 1-3.Metroid 1-Super.Mega Man 1-6 (is also a Capcom-based game.)
no,there are no games like that.
A dolphin is an animal!!
Everyone is already an animal except for you. You stay a human and cannot turn into an animal in any way.
In sonic x knukles likes rouge because he always likes it when she flarets with him. he blushes when rouge flarets with him
24 years
No, there isn't.
No. Amy likes Sonic.
16 in Sonic Heroes
No, only sonic
HAHAHAHA! I think secretly he has.