Unassuming, unbiased, understanding, unfriendly, unhappy, uninteresting, unpleasant, unpredictable, unruly, unselfish, upbeat, useful and useless are adjectives. They begin with the letter u.
The word impromptu begins with i and ends with u.
Events that starts with letter u
There is only one U.S. state that begins with the letter U. Utah is the only U.S. state that begins with the letter U.
Yummy is a complimentary adjective. It begins with Y.
There are a whole bunch.
I ,because, also ,a, she, so, he, then, next and after that
A synonym for the adjective interesting that begins with U is unusual.
The adjective is wild.
· afraid
An adjective clause begins with a relative pronoun, such as who, whom, whose, which, that, when, or where.
The Upemba mud turtle is a reptile. It begins with U.