Although you must consider the unique cards that pack a punch by them self's. try think a long the lines of one specific type eg. fiend and so on... just because your deck is strong you must still practice. :-)
Most likely a vanilla beatdown deck
bubble beat
If you have a deck that needs monsters sent to the graveyard like a lightsworn deck, then you might win.
Go to to learn the rules. You can also get a rulebook in each structure deck and a "beginner's guide" in each starter deck.
Under normal conditions, Chainsaw Insect, I believe, @ 2400. However, in a Skill Drain deck (which you may want to consider with Chainsaw Insect anyway), Beast King Barbaros is strongest @ 3000.
Most likely a vanilla beatdown deck
no you are not even allowed them in your deck in the first place
bubble beat
If you have a deck that needs monsters sent to the graveyard like a lightsworn deck, then you might win.
The card "Zombie World" is only available in the Zombie World structure deck.
Well what is your yugioh deck?
Go to to learn the rules. You can also get a rulebook in each structure deck and a "beginner's guide" in each starter deck.
Under normal conditions, Chainsaw Insect, I believe, @ 2400. However, in a Skill Drain deck (which you may want to consider with Chainsaw Insect anyway), Beast King Barbaros is strongest @ 3000.
It depends on what type of starter deck e.g. Yugioh 5ds, Yugioh GX, Yugioh!
Get the warriors triumph structure deck and improve from there.
there is no limit