3-letter words
4-letter words
bore, core, dore, fore, gore, lore, more, ores, pore, sore, tore, wore, yore
5-letter words
adore, afore, bored, borer, bores, chore, cored, corer, cores, crore, fores, frore, gored, gores, lores, morel, mores, oread, pored, pores, score, shore, snore, sorel, sorer, sores, spore, store, swore, tores, whore, yores
6-letter words
adored, adorer, adores, ashore, before, boreal, boreen, borers, chorea, chored, chores, corers, crores, encore, floret, foreby, foredo, forego, forest, furore, galore, ignore, loreal, moored, moreen, morels, odored, oreads, oreide, poorer, rebore, retore, scored, scorer, scores, shored, shores, snored, snorer, snores, sorels, sorely, sorest, splore, spored, spores, stored, stores, storey, torero, tsores, upbore, uptore, whored, whores
7-letter words
adorers, anorexy, anymore, arbored, arbores, armored, armorer, bandore, bedsore, boredom, boreens, choreal, choreas, choregi, choreic, cicoree, colored, colorer, coreign, coremia, deplore, encored, encores, explore, eyesore, favored, favorer, floored, floorer, florets, forbore, forearm, forebay, forebye, foredid, foregut, foreign, foreleg, foreman, foremen, forepaw, foreran, forerun, foresaw, foresee, forests, foretop, forever, furores, galores, honored, honoree, honorer, humored, ignored, ignorer, ignores, implore, inshore, labored, laborer, majored, minored, moidore, moreens, morelle, morello, motored, onshore, oospore, orectic, oregano, oreides, outwore, pandore, poorest, razored, rebored, rebores, rescore, restore, rumored, savored, savorer, scorers, senores, signore, snorers, splores, spoored, storeys, tabored, taborer, taboret, theorem, toreros, tussore, tutored, unswore, vapored, vaporer, visored, vizored
8-letter words
afforest, albacore, albicore, amoretti, amoretto, anchored, anchoret, anoretic, anorexia, anorexic, arboreal, arboreta, armorers, aurorean, authored, bandores, bedsores, booklore, borecole, boredoms, borehole, boresome, camporee, censored, choregus, choreman, choremen, choreoid, cicorees, clamored, clamorer, claymore, colorers, condores, coredeem, coreigns, corelate, coreless, coremium, deforest, deplored, deplorer, deplores, diaspore, doctored, drawbore, enamored, evermore, exospore, explored, explorer, explores, eyesores, factored, favorers, flavored, flavorer, floorers, florence, fluorene, folklore, footsore, forearms, forebays, forebear, forebode, forebody, foreboom, forecast, foredate, foredeck, foredoes, foredone, foredoom, foreface, forefeel, forefeet, forefelt, forefend, forefoot, foregoer, foregoes, foregone, foreguts, forehand, forehead, forehoof, foreknew, foreknow, forelady, foreland, forelegs, forelimb, forelock, foremast, foremilk, foremost, forename, forenoon, forensic, forepart, forepast, forepaws, forepeak, foreplay, forerank, foreruns, foresaid, foresail, foreseen, foreseer, foresees, foreshow, foreside, foreskin, forestal, forestay, forested, forester, forestry, foretell, foretime, foretold, foretops, forevers, forewarn, forewent, forewing, foreword, foreworn, foreyard, forswore, gonopore, harbored, harborer, hardcore, hectored, honorees, honorers, ignorers, implored, implorer, implores, isochore, jamboree, laborers, liquored, mayoress, mentored, mirrored, moidores, morelles, morellos, moreover, moresque, offshore, omnivore, oospores, orective, oreganos, outscore, outsnore, outswore, overbore, overwore, pandores, pastored, pinafore, poechore, polypore, prescore, prioress, rancored, reforest, rescored, rescores, restored, restorer, restores, sagamore, savorers, scorepad, seashore, sectored, senhores, skijorer, sorehead, soreness, storeyed, succored, succorer, sycamore, sycomore, taborers, taborets, tailored, theorems, toreador, toreutic, tussores, tutoress, unmoored, vaporers, vectored, viatores, whoredom, whoreson, woodlore, zoochore, zoospore
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words in scrabble are WORDS so no
No English Scrabble words end with QI. However, you can make the word Iraqi (not a Scrabble word).
Xu is an allowable Scrabble word. There are no other Scrabble words that begin with XU.
The anagram is "ignore." Shorter words include: ring ore roe gone gin groin gore
The Official Scrabble Players Dictionary includes the words quartz and squeeze. They are valid scrabble words. The word squeeze has a scrabble point value of 25 points. The word quartz has a scrabble point value of 24 points.
You are not, if it makes an earlier vowel in the word long, such as in the words 'care' or 'tire' or 'ore.'
words in scrabble are WORDS so no
ore or ol rock lock core locker
Doctor, actor, or any word which describes a person who does a specific jobMentor
You can use words that are in the official Scrabble dictionary. Unique meanings of the word do not matter. See related links for an official Scrabble word checker.
The words ore, or, and oar are homophones.
No English Scrabble words end with QI. However, you can make the word Iraqi (not a Scrabble word).
Xu is an allowable Scrabble word. There are no other Scrabble words that begin with XU.
"NEEM" is a valid Scrabble word, but there are no words that end with it.
The anagram is "ignore." Shorter words include: ring ore roe gone gin groin gore
No, idioms are not considered valid words in Scrabble. Words played in Scrabble must be found in a standard dictionary.
The Official Scrabble Players Dictionary includes the words quartz and squeeze. They are valid scrabble words. The word squeeze has a scrabble point value of 25 points. The word quartz has a scrabble point value of 24 points.