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The anagram is "ignore."

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Q: What word can you spell from the word region?
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The correct spelling of the word is territory (region, area).

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The correct spelling of this word is Galilee. Galilee is a region in northern Israel.

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The likely word is the proper noun Arcadia (a region of Greece, or a city in California).

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The word you are looking for is "accent."

What word is formed with the letters ovsadiu?

There is no one-word English anagram. The letters can spell the proper noun Sudovia, a cultural region of Lithuania. With an R instead of a D (typo?), the letters spell various.

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The likely word is "Caribbean", as in the geographical region of the Caribbean Sea. One general word for the tribal people of the Caribbean is "Caribs."

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The word may be the proper noun "Allegheny" (a river and mountain region).The similar common word is allegiance (alliance, loyalty).

How do you spell reigon?

The transposition is the noun region (an area or division of a country or continent).The similar word is religion, an organized system of beliefs and worship.

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The likely word is the proper noun "Oceania" (a region of the SW or South Pacific).

Do you spell desert with two S's?

No. The word "desert" (a dry region) has one S. The word with two S's is "dessert" (the final course of a meal, such as cake or pie).

How do you spell continenet?

The large region of the Earth's surface is called a "continent". (the word is also applied medically for the ability to control urination.)