Koga uses primarily Poison-type Pokemon. Psychic Pokemon would be the best bet. Ground-type Pokemon would also work, but will not be as effective against his Venomoth or Crobat.
you need to have all ground type Pokemon to beat koga i would say a a nidoking of nidoquenn you need to have all ground type Pokemon to beat koga i would say a a nidoking of nidoquenn
i'm pretty sure you get it from Koga when you beat him(Koga is the 6th gym leader)
The fifth gym leader Koga uses Poison type pokemon so your best bet is to use Psychic or Ground types against them. A Kadabra(Alakazam would be even better) can easily take care of all of Koga's pokemon.
In Pokemon Red, the fifth badge is possessed by the Poison-Type Koga. The badge is named Soul Badge. It lets you use Surf outside of Battle.
Answer: No you don't gain experience points, when you are battling with your friends ds, the only time you are going to get experience points in the Pokemon series is battling wild Pokemon and battling against trainers, gym leaders etc.
you just keep walking and battling his people until you get to him
Well you can get an action replay and use that or just keep battling trainers, not Pokemon. Battling Pokemon is slower than battling trainers.
you have to beat koga in fushia city
After you have beaten koga you can use surf, which can be obtained by a man in a house in the last area of the safari zone
You cannot use a potion when battling an opponent because the potion hasn't been programed to work yet in Pokemon crater. You can use it while battling wild pokemon.
you need to have all ground type Pokemon to beat koga i would say a a nidoking of nidoquenn you need to have all ground type Pokemon to beat koga i would say a a nidoking of nidoquenn
You buy a pokeball.... then when your battling when its level gets low you use item and use the pokeball of your choice....
Water type-Use surf.
i'm pretty sure you get it from Koga when you beat him(Koga is the 6th gym leader)
The fifth gym leader Koga uses Poison type pokemon so your best bet is to use Psychic or Ground types against them. A Kadabra(Alakazam would be even better) can easily take care of all of Koga's pokemon.
You spend it in PokeMarts and you get more by selling stuff or battling trainers.
No, it is made for Wii. but you can use your DS to control it when you are battling.