

Best Answer

Metagross "Attack boosting nature 252 evs speed, 252 evs sp. defense and 6 evs attack with thunderpunch, meteor MASH, zen headbutt and hammer arm with leftovers (Given to you)

Garchomp "Attack boosting nature 252 evs speed, 252 evs attack, 6 evs sp def

with dragon claw, earthquake, outrage and firefang. with Yache berry (You find while enroute)

Tyranitar "Attack boosting nature 252 evs speed, 252 evs attack, 6 evs defense.

thunderfang, crunch, stone edge and earthquake with wide lense (the Veilstone gamecorner)

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Q: What Pokemon team is the best for the Battle tower in Pokemon pearl?
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Does Pokemon have an ending?

No never! For Emerald the ending is the best becase there is so much to do at Battle Frontier. And on Pearl, Diamond, Platinum there is the battle tower and not to forget the incredible Wi-Fi Pokemon will last forever man! Where is your spirit?

Who is the Best Pokemon trainer in the world on pearl and when can I battle them?


What is the best Pokemon for the battle tower in Pokemon Diamond?

Well, There isn't ANY Powerful Pokemon. There isn't a Single Pokemon that can clear the Entire Battle Tower. You Need a Team. Give each Pokemon Different Moves, None of the Same Type. But yea. That's Really All there is to it.

Who is the best Pokemon you can find in Pokemon Pearl?

the best Pokemon you can catch in Pokemon pearl is heatran

What people are the best people to battle in Pokemon Pearl?

if u have pwned the E4 20 times then your rival

What is the best Pokemon you can get on pearl?

i think that the best Pokemon you can ever have in Pokemon pearl is Empoleon or Palkia not rare^ rare^

What is the best rod in Pokemon Pearl?

a super rod is the best rod in Pokemon pearl/dimond/platnim

What is the best team for the battle tower in Pokemon Diamond?

Double Battle and single would be Groudon and Thyplosion first and Kyogreo and Wailord second, single is any Pokemon with Recover I recomend a team of Deoxes.

What are the best Pokemon to have in Pokemon platinum BESIDES Garchomp?

electivire is very good so is heatran charizard staraptor im naming off the ones that can be in the battle tower.

What are the best Pokemon for Pokemon Pearl?

it depends who your facing.

What is the best mmorpg Pokemon game?

Pokemon pearl

Which is the best Pokemon in pearl?
