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A Kings Rock can be used to evolve a Slowpoke to a Slowking, a Poliwhirl to a Politoad or a Seadra to a Kingdra. Note, you have to trade these Pokemon while they are holding it to evolve them.

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Q: What Pokemon needs a kings rock to evolve?
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Is it true that slowpoke with kings rock evolve after in Pokemon center?

No they evolve after trading while holding king's rock

What Pokemon does kings rock evolve?

slowpoke to slowking poliwhirl to politoed

How do you evolve a slowbro on Pokemon tower defense?

trade while holding a kings rock

What level does poliwhirl evolve at Pokemon LeafGreen?

well if you give it a kings rock it will evolve into pollitoad and i think its a moon stone to evolve into poliwrath

What Pokemon can evolve with a kings rock?

Currently only two Pokemon evolve when traded while holding King's Rock. These two Pokemon are Poliwhirl and Slowpoke. Poliwhirl evolves into Politoad and Slowpoke evolves into Slowking.

How poliwhirl evolve to politoed in Pokemon Crystal?

you must trade with gold or silver in order for poliwhirl to evolve. kings rock

How do you get a politoad on Pokemon SoulSilver?

you evolve poliwhirl into politoed with trade while holding kings rock

What Pokemon evolves with a kings rock?

king's rock evolves poliwhirl into politoed and slowpoke into slowking when they are traded

What stone do you use to get a politoed in Pokemon Heart Gold?

You have to use a Kings Rock to evolve Poliwhirlinto Politoed. You give the Kings Rock to Poliwhirl and trade it with a friend which triggers its evoloution. IMPORTANT: DO NOT EVOLVE INTO POLIWRATH FIRST.

What Pokemon evolve in trades when holding the kings rock?

Slowbro evolves into Slowking while hold the King's Rock when you trade him.

What Pokemon evolve from a kings rock?

Politoad or poliwrath one of those kind into the baby lookin ones

When does slwpoke evolve in Pokemon HeartGold?

slowpoke evolves into slowbro, then slowking if you put a kings rock on it and trade.