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Trapinch learns dig at lv.40... it cannot evolve into vibrava so give it an everstone. you can find trapinches at the dessert area at lv.20-25.

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Q: What Pokemon learn dig without a TM?
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Which Pokemon can learn dig without the TM?

diglett or dugtrio

What Pokémon learn dig by itself in Pokémon sapphire?

i don't think that any Pokemon can learn dig by itself but alot of Pokemon can learn it from the TM. if you don't have the TM then you cant teach your Pokemon dig

Can camerup learn dig without the tm?

No, Camerupt cannot learn Dig without a TM; it is required, for it can't learn Dig, while leveling up.

Can Riolu learn Dig in Explores of Sky?

In all Pokemon games, Riolu can learn dig with the TM Dig. If you have the TM Riolu should be able to learn it.

Can Linoone learn Dig in Pokemon Emerald?

Yes, Linoone is able to learn Dig by TM.

Can Blaziken learn dig on Pokemon emerald?

yes. but you have to use the TM dig

Who can learn dig in Pokemon sapphire?

trapinch can learn dig on level 41 The move dig is a TM that you get from somewhere, you can teach is to any Pokemon that is able.

What level does sandshrew learn dig in Pokemon ruby?

Sandshrew learns dig at level 30 in Pokemon Sapphire. The ability to naturally learn dig make Sandshrew a valuable Pokemon. Since he can learn dig itself you don't have to use the TM dig on it.

Does other Pokemon know's dig with out a TM in Pokemon ruby?

Other Pokemon do know dig without the TM dig. Most DIGlets know dig. Find diglets in Diglet cave. Hope this helps!

What levels do Pokemon learn dig?

depends on what Pokemon but you can teach it to certain Pokemon through the use of a TM

What level does graveler learn dig in Pokemon ruby?

Dig is a TM, so you can teach it to it at any level.

Can pikachu learn dig in Pokemon FireRed?

Yes, Pikachu is able to learn Dig. It can learn Dig through the use of the Dig TM, which you can buy at the Cerulean City Poke Mart.